CS 200 - Fall 2023. 9/11/2023.


Welcome to CS 200!

Video of the Day

Python: Strings from Socratica

Python: Numbers in V3 from Socratica

Socratica Python Tutorials

Logical problem of the day

A father is 21 years older than his child. In exactly 6 years from now, the father will be exactly 5 times as old as the child.

Where's the mother?

https://pollev.com/slade You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.

Lecture 3: Python.


  • I have Office hours via zoom, meeting ID 459 434 2854. Wednesday 4-6pm.

  • ULA office hours posted on csofficehours.org. See the posting on Ed Discussions for more information.

    If you're thinking of taking CPSC 200, please do the following.

  • Complete this online Student Information form.
  • Get a course account for CPSC 200 on the Zoo. When you register for this class, your course account should be created within one hour or so of signing up.
  • Start the reading assignment: [Assignments]. hw1 is now available.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Zoo computers by attending a (soon-to-be-scheduled) Zoo help session, or with classmates or on your own using the Zoo tutorial, Spring 2014 edition.
  • (Optional.) Download and install Python on your computer (Python) and familiarize yourself with it. If you don't want to install and run Python on your machine, you may run it in person or remotely using your Zoo account.

    Note that there are two current versions of Python: 2 and 3, which are not quite compatible. We suggest that you opt for version 3.

  • ZOO intro session PowerPoint PDF (by Claire Kang, ULA extraordinaire.)

    Getting to know Python

    Introduction.html (jupyter) Python - PEP

    Strings.html (jupyter) Python

    Lists.html (jupyter) Python

    Getting to know UNIX

    UNIX Introduction Principle 2.