CS 200 - Fall 2023. 9/18/2023.


Welcome to CS 200!

Video of the Day

Socratica Python Tutorials

Logical problem of the day

There are only 11 types of people in the world: those who understand Y and those who don't.

Solve for Y.

https://pollev.com/slade You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.

Lecture 5: Python.


  • I have Office hours via zoom, meeting ID 459 434 2854. Wednesday 4-6pm.

  • ULA office hours posted on csofficehours.org. See the posting on Ed Discussions for more information.

  • Homework assignments: [Assignments]. hw2 is now available. You will submit with gradescope.

    Getting to know Python

    Review hw1 and hw1a.pyc

    Listcomp.html (jupyter) List Comprehensions

    Sorting.html (jupyter) Python - Sorting

    DictFiles.html (jupyter) Python - Dicts and FIles

    Getting to know UNIX

    UNIX Introduction Principle 2.