In it, Noam Chomsky argues that recursion –– which is one of the central concepts of our CS201 class –– is what makes human language unique. We can continuously embed phrases sequentially or centrally in ABn format or An x Bn format in order to make sentences. For example,The bank the man the monkey touched robbed was good. (An x Bn)
The man thought that the monkey thought that the bank would be hard to rob. (ABn)These utilize recursion because you have to keep parsing the sentences in a parse tree until you hit a 'base case.' This is similar to Racket recursion.
I hereby solicit suggestions for the Video of the Day. Please email me your ideas with explanations. Selected entries will win 5 homework points. If your video is played at the beginning of class, you must also briefly explain something about the video and something about yourself — in person.
So, they look through the telescope and they see aliens in a classroom, millions of light-years away. So, this alien classroom has teachers and students. And on the chalkboard, the scientists can see the following equations are written.
13 + 15 = 31 10 x 10 = 100 6 x 3 = 24And the question is, how many fingers do these aliens have? You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll ID.
Statistics: Minimum: 5.5 Maximum: 60.0 Mean: 53.38 Median: 55.5 Standard Deviation: 7.87Regrade window open through Monday, November 18th.