Robot insurance SNL.
I hereby solicit suggestions for the video of the day. Please email me your ideas with explanations. Selected entries will win 5 homework points. If your video is played at the beginning of class, you must also briefly explain something about the video and something about yourself - in person.
What is the next number in this sequence?
14, 23, 28, 33, 42, .... You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.
For 2n - 1 dollars you'll need a minimum of n envelopes. Base case: 21 - 1 dollars = 1 dollar needs at least 1 envelope. 22 - 1 dollars = 3 dollars needs at least 2 envelopes Inductive step: Assume that for 2n - 1 dollars you need a minimum of n envelopes Prove that for 2(n+1) - 1 dollars you need a minimum of n+1 envelopes You need to prove 2 things: I. It's possible to use n+1 envelopes II. n+1 envelopes is a minimum I. By assumption you can get any number between 1 and 2n-1 with n envelopes, put 2n dollars in your second envelope, now for any number between 2n and 2(n+1) - 1 use your 2n dollars envelope and the remainder will be between 1 and 2n -1 and use up to n+1 envelopes to construct that amount. II. With M envelopes you can make 2M distinct values (including 0 dollars, so really 2M - 1 distinct positive values), for each of the M envelopes you either include it or don't, so you need a minimum of M envelopes to describe 2M - 1 positive numbers.
The midterm will be Tuesday February 25th at 7pm in Davies Auditorium. It will be a 2 hour hand written exam. No computers. No notes. No books. No kidding. Students registered with Student Accessibility Services will take the exam at Becton C031 next door.
Sample Midterm Exam available . (solutions) The midterm will not have a boolean function question. Instead, it will have a struct question. The actual exam will also include UNIX questions (Principles 1 and 2). I will give you a transcript with some of the commands X'd out. You will have to deduce those commands (solutions).
You should be familiar with the recursion and tail recursion examples from the recursion.rkt and Recursion.html For more details on the wonders of tail recursion, see TailRecursion.html and this tail recursion article.
Also, the paper Music and Computation, discussed below, is also in scope, up to but not including Music. There will be true/false questions about binary encodings of numbers, text, images, and sound. No questions about music.
See Point.html for a sample struct question.
Structs.html (covered on Monday)
Hw3.html Problem 2.
Execute examples from tmcopy.rkt using hw3 simulator.
(simulate tm1 (conf 'q1 '(b) 0 '(1 1 1)) 20) (simulate tmcopy (conf 'q1 '(b) 0 '(1)) 200)
See Turing Machine Notes Detailed explanation of tmcopy.
Computability.html (jupyter) Part 2. What is computable?