I hereby solicit suggestions for the video of the day. Please email me your ideas with explanations. Selected entries will win 5 homework points. If your video is played at the beginning of class, you must also briefly explain something about the video and something about yourself - in person.
https://pollev.com/slade You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.
You are invited to create a music video for this song. Here are the rules:
In class on February 3rd, I introduced Toch's Geographical Fugue (wiki + score) as well as my derived Internet Fugue Here is a sample recording of the first 32 bars by a guest artist using GarageBand. It took 10 minutes and it shows.
You are invited to perform the Internet Fugue either on video, or (preferably) live in class. The rules and rewards are the same as above.
Boolean.html (jupyter) XOR and friends
Review hw4. Use case special form for all-vars
and eval-in-env
. - satisfiable?
Boolean satisfiability problem, aka, SAT, is the first NP-complete problem. All
other NP-complete problems can be reduced to SAT in polynomial time.
Python zip() can be useful for truth-table problem. Of course, you have to write it in racket. See zip-env in staff solution.
Propositional Calculus, where an environment is a model, that is, a row of a truth table.
Unification, like match in hw4.