CS 201 - Spring 2025. 3/24/2025.


Welcome to CS 201!

Video of the Day

Tail-call optimization: The Musical!

I hereby solicit suggestions for the video of the day. Please email me your ideas with explanations. Selected entries will win 5 homework points. If your video is played at the beginning of class, you must also briefly explain something about the video and something about yourself - in person.

Logical Problem of the day

Who played for the New York Rangers, the Brooklyn Dodgers, and the New York Knicks?

https://pollev.com/slade You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "slade" poll id.

Canvas Quiz of the Day (need daily password)

Most days, there will be a simple canvas quiz related to the lecture. You need a password to activate the quiz, which I will provide in class. These quizzes will count toward your class participation grade. The quiz is available only during class.

Click for today's quiz.

Lecture 24: Gates and Circuits.

  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, on zoom, id 459 434 2854.

  • I am available for lunch on Mondays at 1 pm in Morse.

  • ULA office hours are found at https://csofficehours.org/CS201/schedule. Sign up via the queue.

  • Homework assignments: [Assignments]. hw5 and hw6 are now available.

    Midterm Exam II: Tuesday April 1st, 7pm

  • Midterm: Tuesday April 1st, 2 hours, Davies Auditorium. The accessibility exam room will be Becton C031.

    Here is a practice exam. (solutions to practice exam) Ignore problems 3, 4, 5(a), and 5(e). TC-201 is not in scope for this exam. However, tail recursion is.

    There will be a UNIX question, as in the first midterm. sample UNIX transcript (solutions)

    Review session: TBA.

    As before, I recommend using Yale's Clarity and Google experimental tutor as sources for review questions.


  • If you have an upcoming performance or athletic event, I am happy to promote it during class. Just send me a note.

  • Information Society Project Yale Law School. Weekly Events

    CS 201 Video Contest

    In the tradition of the racket/beat it song we have a song for Turing Machines: Would It Be Computable? to the tune of "Wouldn't It be Loverly?" from My Fair Lady.

    You are invited to create a music video for this song. Here are the rules:

    Second song contest: The Internet Fugue.

    In class on February 3rd, I introduced Toch's Geographical Fugue (wiki + score) as well as my derived Internet Fugue Here is a sample recording of the first 32 bars by a guest artist using GarageBand. It took 10 minutes and it shows.

    You are invited to perform the Internet Fugue either on video, or (preferably) live in class. The rules and rewards are the same as above.

    Lecture: Gates and Circuits.

  • Grace Hopper on David Letterman, 10/2/86.
  • Apollo Guidance Computer "the Block I version used 4,100 ICs, each containing a single three-input NOR gate."

    Gates.html (jupyter) computer memory - sequential circuits.

    hw5 review.

    Getting to know UNIX

    UNIX Introduction Principle 4.