#lang racket (require racket/trace) (provide hours xxxx depth sum prod count-if average types hextree tree-min count-leaves map-tree ) ; ******************************************************** ; CS 201 HW #2 DUE Wednesday 2/19/2025, 11:59 pm ; via gradescope. ; ******************************************************** ; Name: ; Email address: ; ******************************************************** ; This file may be opened in DrRacket. Lines beginning with ; semicolons are comments. ; If you are asked to write a procedure, please make sure it has the ; specified name, and the specified number and order of arguments. ; The names of the formal arguments need not be the same as in the ; problem specification. ; For each problem, the intended inputs to your procedures are ; specified (for example, "positive integers") and your procedures ; need not do anything reasonable for other possible inputs. ; You may write auxiliary procedures in addition to the requested ; one(s) -- for each of your auxiliary procedures, please include a ; comment explaining what it does, and giving an example or two. ; You may also use procedures you have written elsewhere in this ; assignment or previous assignments. They only need to be defined ; once somewhere within this file. ; Please use the predicate equal? to test equality of values that may ; not be numbers. To test equality of numbers, you can use =. ; Also, most of these procedures involve car/cdr recursion. In that ; case, your code needs to implement the recursion, not simply invoke ; a racket procedure (like flatten) that allows you to avoid the problem. ; Reading: Chapters 1 and 2 of the Racket Guide. ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 0 ** (1 easy point) ; Replace the number 0 in the definition below to indicate ; the number of hours you spent doing this assignment ; Decimal numbers (eg, 6.237) are fine. Exclude time ; spent reading. (define hours 0) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 00 ** (1 fairly easy point) ; Below is a UNIX transcript with one command replaced by XXXX (define transcript " bash-4.4$ pwd /home/accts/sbs5/cs201/hws/new bash-4.4$ ls bash-4.4$ touch file bash-4.4$ ls -l total 0 -rw-rw-r-- 1 sbs5 cs201ta 0 Jan 26 18:27 file bash-4.4$ XXXX bash-4.4$ ls -l total 0 -rw-rw-r-- 1 sbs5 cs201ta 0 Jan 26 18:27 homework ") ; define xxxx below to be the correct UNIX command. (define xxxx "correct unix command") ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 1 ** (8 points) ; Write a procedure ; (depth tree) ; which takes a tree as input and return an integer ; indicating the maximum level of the tree. ; Examples ; (depth '()) => 0 ; (depth '(1 2 3)) => 1 ; (depth '(a (b (c (d))))) => 4 ; (depth '((((((0))))))) => 6 ; ******************************************************** (define (depth tree) empty) ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 2 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (sum tree) ;; which returns the total of the numeric leaves of the tree. ;; That is, add up all the numeric leaves. ;; Examples: ;; (sum '(1 2 3 4)) => 10 ;; (sum '(a (1 (b (2 (3 "four")))))) => 6 ;; (sum '(((((((((8)))))))))) => 8 ;; (sum '((((((((()))))))))) => 0 ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) (define (sum tree) empty) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 3 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (prod tree) ;; which returns the product of all the leaves of the tree. ;; It ignores leaves which are not numbers. ;; If there are no numbers in the tree, prod returns 'none ;; Examples: ;; (prod '(1 2 3 4 5)) => 120 ;; (prod '(((((((((((8)))))))))))) => 8 ;; (prod '(())) => 'none ;; (prod '(a b c d e f g)) => 'none ;; (prod '(a b c d e f g 8)) => 8 ;; (prod '(a (1 (b (2 (3 "four")))))) => 6 ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) (define (prod tree) empty) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 4 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ;; (count-if pred tree) ;; which returns the number of leaves of the tree that satisfy ;; the given predicate pred ; Examples ; (count-if odd? '(1 2 3)) => 2 ; (count-if even? '(1 2 3)) => 1 ; (count-if integer? '(1 (2 (3)))) => 3 ; (count-if string? '()) => 0 ; (count-if even? '((((((8 8 8))))))) => 3 ; (count-if (lambda (x) (> x 5)) '((((((9 9 9))))))) => 3 ; ******************************************************** ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) (define (count-if pred tree) empty) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 5 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (average tree) ;; that takes a nested list tree and returns the average of the ;; numeric elements of the tree. ;; If the tree contains no elements or no numeric elements, return 'NA ;; Examples ;; (average '(1 2 3 4 5)) => 3 ;; (average '(1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e)) => 3 ;; (average '(1 (2 (3 d e f) (4 5 6 7)))) => 4 ;; (average '((()))) => 'NA ;; (average '(a b c d e)) => 'NA ;; (average '(a b c d e 2 3 4)) => 3 ;; (average '()) => 'NA ;; (average '(1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5)) => 1.35 ;; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) (define (average tree) empty) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 6 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (types tree) ; that takes a nested list tree and returns a list of the data ; types of the leaves in the tree in alphabetical order ; Examples ;; (types '(1 1 1 1)) => '(integer) ;; (types '(1 ((a)))) => '(integer symbol) ;; (types '(1 (("a")))) => '(integer string) ;; (types '(1 ((#\a)))) => '(character integer) ;; (types '(1.0 ((#\a)))) => '(character flonum) ;; (types '(1.0 (("a")))) => '(flonum string) ;; (types '(2/3 .666 "two-thirds")) => '(flonum rational string) ; ******************************************************** (define (types tree) empty) ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 7 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (hextree tree) ; that transforms a tree, replacing all occurrences of positive integers ; in the range of 10 to 15 (inclusive) in the tree with the ; corresponding hexadecimal digit. I have provided dectohexalist: (define dectohexalist '((10 a) (11 b) (12 c) (13 d) (14 e) (15 f))) ; You should NOT write auxiliary procedures for this problem. ;; Examples: ; (hextree '(4 (8 (10 12 14 15 16)))) => '(4 (8 (a c e f 16))) ; (hextree '(4 (8 (a c e f 16)))) => '(4 (8 (a c e f 16))) ; (hextree '(1 (((2 3 4))))) => '(1 (((2 3 4)))) ; (hextree '(1 (((12 13 14 (15)))))) => '(1 (((c d e (f))))) ; (hextree '()) => '() ; ******************************************************** (define (hextree tree) empty) ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 8 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (tree-min tree) ; that takes a nested list tree whose leaf nodes are integers ; and returns the minimum of those integers. ; Examples: ; (tree-min '(1 2 3)) => 1 ; (tree-min '(1 (2 (-3)))) => -3 ; (tree-min '()) => '() ; (tree-min '(((((((((7)))))))))) => 7 ; (tree-min '((((((((()))))))))) => '() ; ******************************************************** (define (tree-min tree) empty) ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 9 ** (10 points) ; Write the procedure ; (count-leaves tree) ; count-leaves takes a nested list tree as an argument and returns ; an integer which is the number of leaves in the tree. ; Examples: ; (count-leaves '(1 2 3)) => 3 ; (count-leaves '()) => 0 ; (count-leaves '(1 (2 (3 (4))))) => 4 ; (count-leaves '(((((((7)))))))) => 1 ;; Hint: this is very similar to count-if. In fact, you may define ;; count-leaves using count-if ; ******************************************************** (define (count-leaves tree) empty) ; (Replace this comment with your procedures.) ; ******************************************************** ; ** problem 10 ** (10 points) ; Write a procedure ; (map-tree proc tree) ; which takes two arguments, a procedure proc and a nested list tree, ; and returns a copy of tree with each leaf node replaced by ; the result of applying proc to that leaf. ; Examples: ; (map-tree even? '(1 2 3 4)) => '(#f #t #f #t) ; (map-tree even? '(1 (2 (3 (4))))) => '(#f (#t (#f (#t)))) ; (map-tree (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(1 (2 (3 (4 5 6))))) => '(2 (3 (4 (5 6 7)))) ; (map-tree odd? '()) => '() ; ******************************************************** (define (map-tree proc tree) empty) ; (Replace this comment with your procedure(s).) ; ******************************************************** ; ******************************************************** ; ******** testing, testing. 1, 2, 3 .... ; ******************************************************** (define *testing-flag* #t) (define (testold name got expected) (cond (*testing-flag* (let* ((expected (if (procedure? expected) (and (expected got) 'OK-TEST) expected)) (prefix (if (equal? got expected) 'OK 'X))) (list 'testing name prefix 'got: got 'expected: expected))))) (define (test name got expected) (cond (*testing-flag* (let* ((OK (if (procedure? expected) (expected got) (equal? got expected))) (prefix (if OK 'OK 'X))) (list 'testing name prefix 'got: got 'expected: expected))))) (define (runtests) (list (test 'hours hours (lambda (x) (> x 0))) (test 'xxxx xxxx "cannot test without giving it away") (test 'depth (depth '()) 0) (test 'depth (depth '(1 2 3)) 1) (test 'depth (depth '(a (b (c (d))))) 4) (test 'depth (depth '((((((0))))))) 6) (test 'sum (sum '(1 2 3 4)) 10) (test 'sum (sum '(a (1 (b (2 (3 "four")))))) 6) (test 'sum (sum '(((((((((8)))))))))) 8) (test 'sum (sum '((((((((()))))))))) 0) (test 'prod (prod '(1 2 3 4 5)) 120) (test 'prod (prod '(((((((((((8)))))))))))) 8) (test 'prod (prod '(())) 'none) (test 'prod (prod '(a b c d e f g)) 'none) (test 'prod (prod '(a b c d e f g 8)) 8) (test 'prod (prod '(a (1 (b (2 (3 "four")))))) 6) (test 'count-if (count-if odd? '(1 2 3)) 2) (test 'count-if (count-if even? '(1 2 3)) 1) (test 'count-if (count-if integer? '(1 (2 (3)))) 3) (test 'count-if (count-if string? '()) 0) (test 'count-if (count-if even? '((((((8 8 8))))))) 3) (test 'count-if (count-if (lambda (x) (> x 5)) '((((((9 9 9))))))) 3) (test 'average (average '(1 2 3 4 5)) 3) (test 'average (average '(1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e)) 3) (test 'average (average '(1 (2 (3 d e f) (4 5 6 7)))) 4) (test 'average (average '((()))) 'NA) (test 'average (average '(a b c d e)) 'NA) (test 'average (average '(a b c d e 2 3 4)) 3) (test 'average (average '()) 'NA) (test 'average (average '(1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5)) 1.35) (test 'types (types '(1 1 1 1)) '(integer)) (test 'types (types '(1 ((a)))) '(integer symbol)) (test 'types (types '(1 (("a")))) '(integer string)) (test 'types (types '(1 ((#\a)))) '(character integer)) (test 'types (types '(1.0 ((#\a)))) '(character flonum)) (test 'types (types '(1.0 (("a")))) '(flonum string)) (test 'types (types '(2/3 .667 "two-thirds")) '(flonum rational string)) (test 'hextree (hextree '(4 (8 (10 12 14 15 16)))) '(4 (8 (a c e f 16)))) (test 'hextree (hextree '(4 (8 (a c e f 16)))) '(4 (8 (a c e f 16)))) (test 'hextree (hextree '(1 (((2 3 4))))) '(1 (((2 3 4))))) (test 'hextree (hextree '(1 (((12 13 14 (15)))))) '(1 (((c d e (f)))))) (test 'hextree (hextree '()) '()) (test 'tree-min (tree-min '(1 2 3)) 1) (test 'tree-min (tree-min '(1 (2 (-3)))) -3) (test 'tree-min (tree-min '()) '()) (test 'tree-min (tree-min '(((((((((7)))))))))) 7) (test 'tree-min (tree-min '((((((((()))))))))) '()) (test 'count-leaves (count-leaves '(1 2 3)) 3) (test 'count-leaves (count-leaves '()) 0) (test 'count-leaves (count-leaves '(1 (2 (3 (4))))) 4) (test 'count-leaves (count-leaves '(((((((7)))))))) 1) (test 'map-tree (map-tree even? '(1 2 3 4)) '(#f #t #f #t)) (test 'map-tree (map-tree even? '(1 (2 (3 (4))))) '(#f (#t (#f (#t))))) (test 'map-tree (map-tree (lambda (x) (+ x 1)) '(1 (2 (3 (4 5 6))))) '(2 (3 (4 (5 6 7))))) (test 'map-tree (map-tree odd? '()) '()) ) ) ; ======================================================== ; **** end of hw #2 ; ========================================================