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Homework Assignments | Notes

Instructor: James R. Glenn, Ph.D.
Office: AKW 013
Office Phone: TBD
Office Hours: Tue 4-6pm and Thu noon-2pm, or by appointment, or drop by and see if I'm in
e-mail: [first name][dot][last name]@yale.edu

TF and ULA Hours: See Piazza

Course Home Page:
Piazza Page: https://piazza.com/yale/spring2018/cpsc365/home

Class Meeting: Lecture Tue, Thu 2:30 – 3:45pm in DL 220

Prerequisites: CPSC 202 and CPSC 223 or equivalent

Required Textbook:

Other Resources:

Catalog Description:
Paradigms for algorithmic problem solving: greedy algorithms, divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and network flow. NP completeness and approximation algorithms for NP-complete problems. Algorithms for problems from economics, scheduling, network design and navigation, geometry, biology, and optimization. Provides algorithmic background essential to further study of computer science.

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to

Academic Dishonesty:
Please see Yale College's Undergraduate Regulations and Definitions of Plagiarism, Cheating, and Documentation of Sources.

The implications for this course:


Schedule (approximate and subject to change):

Week of Topics Reading
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

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