User-agent: sliccbot # sliccware rule - allow all Disallow: User-agent: * # Prevent anything related to searching Disallow: /resources_search_results.html Disallow: /siteSearch Disallow: /homepage/resources_search_results.html # Disallow the advanced search page Disallow: /advanced_search_criteria.html Disallow: /resources_advanced_search_criteria.html #Stop deep catalog results Disallow: /topvideo/cat? Disallow: /topstories/?b_start # try and stop them from following into old stories Disallow: /?b_start Disallow: /?can_view Disallow: /resources_hbe11up.js # Prevent robots from following mislinks caused by producers Disallow: /test_files # URLs that start with /vts1/ represent manager server access, so disallow Disallow: /vts1 # Prevent robots from abusing the /content/ traversal magic Disallow: /content