Economic decision theory is prone to the above error.
(quiz 118)
Choice one: Either saves 200 lives, or a 33% chance of saving all 600 people, 66% possibility of saving no one.
Choice two: 400 people will die or a 33% chance that no people will die, and 66% probability that all 600 will die.
Write down the last 2 digits of your Social Security number. Now consider whether you would pay this number of dollars for items whose value you do not know, such as wine, chocolate and computer equipment. Finally, how much are you willing to pay? (Enter two numbers) This is a survey that contains all of the above questions.
Also, you will earn class participation points for posting to Discussions (not Ed Discussions.)
Tuesday January 30th, 12:10pm SLB 128Encoding Poverty: The Algorithms Too Few People Talk About
Amos Toh, Senior Researcher, Human Rights Watch
Thursday February 1st, Noon, Baker Hall 405
Big Tech Feminism
Brenda Dvoskin, Postdoctoral Fellow, Georgetown University Law Center
Thomas Kadri, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia School of Law
Dr. John Niccolai is Chief Operating Officer of Global Fixed Income at Citadel.We will go out to dinner afterwards at Villa Lulu, 230 College Street. We will have an in-person lottery in class on Wednesday to select students coming to dinner. Attendence for guest speakers is mandatory.John joined Citadel in 2008 as a Quantitative Researcher and was then appointed Head of Quantitative Research for Global Fixed Income from 2011- June 2018. He was subsequently named Head of Portfolio Construction for Global Fixed Income before assuming his current role in May 2019.
Prior to joining Citadel, he was a Vice President at JPMorgan Chase, where he was a member of the bank’s Proprietary Positioning Business. John previously worked as a Quantitative Modeler for interest rates in the Global Modeling and Analytics Group at Credit Suisse.
John received a bachelor’s degree from Caltech and a master’s degree and PhD from Columbia University.
As mentioned in the Ed Discussion message, you need to access online stock information to rate a given stock as a buy or a sell. Yahoo Finance has a boatload of data. The yahoofinance python api stopped working last year. We used the yahooquery api instead. This year, the yahooquery api seems DOA. I welcome any suggestions for either getting these to run or other (free) sources of data.