Message-ID: <14845099.1075840334420.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 03:32:05 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: OpinionJournal - On the Editorial Page - January 8, 2002 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: @ENRON X-To: Baughman Jr., Don X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \ExMerge - Baughman Jr., Don\Deleted Items X-Origin: BAUGHMAN-D X-FileName: don baughman 6-25-02.PST From ( TODAY ON OPINIONJOURNAL On the Editorial Page BY NANCY DE WOLF SMITH Osama's unopened gift: A report from Kandahar. 12:01 a.m. EST From the Heartland BY THOMAS J. BRAY Bush is against tax hikes--but what's he for? 12:01 a.m. EST Citizen of the World BY TUNKU VARADARAJAN The New York Times ends "A Nation Challenged." Good riddance. 12:01 a.m. EST FOR WALL STREET JOURNAL ONLINE SUBSCRIBERS Review & Outlook Who Lost Argentina? So much for sound money. Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ The Shipping News Iran's a menace to Mideast peace. Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ Commentary White Guilt = Black Power Standards of excellence should apply to everyone. By Shelby Steele Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ India Stands Firm In the War Against Terror The Dec. 13 parliament attacks only stiffened the country's resolve. By Gopalaswami Parthasarathy Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ A Three-Ring Animal Rights Circus Will Ringling Bros. beat animal-rights clowns at their own game? By Collin Levey Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ Global View Osama's Unopened Gift In the Kandahari Desert A report from Afghanistan. By Nancy deWolf Smith Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ Review & Outlook Taste Jesse Punts Review & Outlook: Notre Dame hired a black football coach. Its real achievement is that its players graduate. Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ Taste Feature Tawdriness In Turnaround Beauty is scorned no longer. Even on the Upper West Side. By Terry Teachout Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ Pity the President Brushed With Greatness De Gustibus: Official portraits are just dreadful these days. By Eric Gibson Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ Houses of Worship The Lure of the Rings Houses of Worship: An alternative to crusades and jihads. By Henry Grunwald Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ International The CDU Adrift Its candidates for chancellor could use some new ideas. Review & Outlook From The Wall Street Journal Europe Jan 8 2002 ~~~~~~~ _____ ADVERTISEMENT A Special Offer from THE WALL STREET JOURNAL ONLINE Sign up now for your 2-week free trial of The Wall Street Journal Online. Your annual subscription, plus two weeks free, costs $59 or just $29 with proof of your print subscription to any edition of The Wall Street Journal or Barron's. Click here to get started. Then just fill out the form that appears next and read and accept our Subscriber Agreement. _____ From time to time Dow Jones may send you e-mails with information about new features and special offers for selected Dow Jones products. If you do not wish to receive these emails in the future, you may visit You can also unsubscribe at the same link. You can also review OpinionJournal's privacy policy at If you have been forwarded this email and wish to subscribe visit Copyright 2002 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved.