Message-ID: <23194827.1075840344460.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 23:27:24 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Power Markets 2002 - April 17-18 Las Vegas, NV Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: The Power Marketing Association @ENRON X-To: Baughman Jr., Don X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \ExMerge - Baughman Jr., Don\Inbox X-Origin: BAUGHMAN-D X-FileName: don baughman 6-25-02.PST =20 [IMAGE]=09 =09 =09 =09 POWER MARKETS 2002: Risk and Reward=09 =09 =09April 17-18, 2002 Las Vegas, NV =09 =09 =09=09[IMAGE]=09 =09 Sponsored by The Power Marketing Association Download Brochure at: ht= tp:// Attend the Power Marketing As= sociation's Seventh Annual Spring Conference: Power Markets 2002: Risk a= nd Reward, April 17-18, 2002, at the Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada.= We will see record numbers of new powerplants coming on line this year. = New, much larger RTOs promise dramatic increases in liquidity. The Enron f= allout will continue to force balance sheet improvements-- perhaps more m= ergers and acquisitions. Price volatility will continue, and risk manageme= nt techniques will continue to be honed. Come hear the experts who will = help you survive and thrive in 2002! Topics Transmission and RTOs: Rep= resentatives from PJM, Cal ISO and Midwest ISO on their respective region= s. Credit: Susan Abbott of Moody's on evolving credit standards in our in= dustry Insurance: Scott Ettien from NCM, Lynda Clemmons from Element Re = and Pat Toner Goudarzi from ACE, on Credit Insurance, Weather-risk Insuran= ce and Innovative Insurance Products, respectively Exchanges: Monte SImps= on of InterContinental Exchange and Brad Leach of NYMEX on the growth in t= he use of exchanges. Markets: Chris Pollatos of Mirant, Dave Freeman of = Panda and Mike Young of Aquila on the state of various aspects of the powe= r markets. And More! Cabell Poindexter of Wyndham Mills on job prospects!= John OBrien of Skipping Stone on the outlook for Transmission! Henwood on= outlook for powerplant construction! Adrian Palmer of Caminus Corp on Eu= ropean Markets! Fundamentals of Power Marketing. On April 16, Scott Spi= ewak will be repeating his "Fundamentals of Power Marketing" preconference= seminar. Essential for the new industry participant, it is also a valuabl= e overview for the industry professional. Download Brochure at: http://w= The Power Marketing Association Po= email: voice: 201 784 5389 web: = =09 =09 =09 =09[IMAGE]=09 This email was sent to, at your request, by PowerMa= .=20 Visit our Subscription Center to edit your interests or unsubscribe .=20 View our privacy policy .=20 Powered by Constant Contact