Message-ID: <7434691.1075853546101.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2000 01:56:00 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Corporate Securities Candidate Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Michelle Cash X-To: Amy Gambill X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Michelle_Cash_Nov2001\Notes Folders\All documents X-Origin: Cash-M X-FileName: mcash_NonPriv.nsf Here are details on one search firm for legal. thanks. mhc ---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 11/29/2000 09:56 AM --------------------------- Michelle Cash 11/07/2000 03:12 PM To: Norma Villarreal/HOU/ECT@ECT, Molly Magee/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Corporate Securities Candidate Here is the name of the search firm. Michelle ' ---------------------- Forwarded by Michelle Cash/HOU/ECT on 11/07/2000 03:12 PM --------------------------- on 11/07/2000 01:22:32 PM To: cc: Subject: Corporate Securities Candidate Richard, Wayne and Roberts From: Tracie Waligura@RWR on 11/07/2000 01:22 PM To: cc: Subject: Corporate Securities Candidate Michelle - I have a corporate securities candidate that has expressed an interest in Enron. Please give me a call when you have a moment to discuss his background and the corporate group at Enron. Thanks. Tracie Waligura Legal Recruiter 24 Greenway Plaza, Suite 1304 Houston, Texas 77046 Toll: 800-364-7979 Ext. 7254 Direct: 713-358-7254 Fax: 713-623-2740 Email: Internet: