Message-ID: <303543.1075859205625.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2001 12:16:23 -0800 (PST) From: To:, Subject: RE: are you ok? I love you! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Dasovich, Jeff X-To: 'Nancy Sellers' , eldon sellers (E-mail) X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Jeff_Dasovich_Jan2002\Dasovich, Jeff\Sent Items X-Origin: Dasovich-J X-FileName: jdasovic (Non-Privileged).pst Greetings. Well, it's about over for the company known as Enron. Ultimately I, and just about everyone else, am going to need to find a new job. But it should be viewed as an opportunity rather than something less positive. It's a shame that such a fun, interesting and bright group of people that had a very successful core franchise are now in such a messy situation due to a handful of folks who exercised (at a minimum) extremely poor judgment. But it is what it is. As for me, I'm dusting off my resume and getting ready to send it around. I've already had a few calls from "inquiring minds," so we'll we where things end up. Thanks so much for the thoughts. Definitely crazy times, but I'm not getting to worked up about it. And besides, Prentice has accepted PWC's offer, so I'm looking forward to housekeeping! Best, Jeff -----Original Message----- From: Nancy Sellers [] Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 10:20 AM To: 'Jeff Dasovich' Subject: are you ok? I love you! Nancy (707) 251-4870 (phone) (707) 265-5446 (fax) "Plus je bois, mieux je chante"