Message-ID: <28672987.1075854129480.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000 10:24:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: Re: Coastal Deal-With Exxon Participation under the Project Agreement Cc:,,,,, Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Bcc:,,,,, X-From: Brenda F Herod X-To: Steve Van Hooser X-cc: Michael C Bilberry, Brian M Riley, Daren J Farmer, Pat Clynes, Gregory L Sharp, Edward D Gottlob X-bcc: X-Folder: \Darren_Farmer_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Logistics X-Origin: Farmer-D X-FileName: dfarmer.nsf Thanks for the info! As Greg mentioned in the staff meeting today, the intent is that this restructured deal is papered effective 4/1/00. The impact is potentially that the gas is not pathed properly by counterparty or on the appropriate transport/gathering agreements, etc. If any rates are changing, then those need to be changed in our systems also. There may be other areas of changes also - I'm not attempting to list them all. Rather I just want to make people aware that retroactive deals can have impacts on the daily operations. Thanks for the information. Pat/Daren: Can you get with Mike and/or Brian to determine the potential impact, if any? Thanks. From: Steve Van Hooser 04/10/2000 03:06 PM To: Brenda F Herod/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Michael C Bilberry/HOU/ECT@ECT, Brian M Riley/HOU/ECT@ECT Subject: Coastal Deal-With Exxon Participation under the Project Agreement Brenda, Per your request, attached are the Draft documents which will be used to finalize the new Gathering Arrangment between HPL and Coastal, the revenue sharing arrangement between Exxon and HPL (Transaction Agreement) and the Residue Gas Purchase Agreement between Coastal, as Seller and HPL as Buyer (Amendment to Wellhead purchase agreeement). I do not have a copy of the Processing Agreement between Exxon and Coastal, as such agreement does not involve us (and I believe it is far from finalized. The only other document that I plan to prepare is a termination agreement relative to the current Liquifiables Purchase Agreement between Exxon as purchaser and HPL as seller--this termination will be affective as of 4/1/2000. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Steve