Message-ID: <23094312.1075860445668.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2001 09:40:00 -0800 (PST) From: To:,,,, Subject: Notice of Revised RTO West Meeting Calendar for March - April 2001 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: "Sarah Dennison-Leonard" X-To: "Kristi Wallis" , "Bud Krogh" , "Barney Speckman" , "Judy Welch" , "Chris Elliott" X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mary_Hain_Aug2000_Jul2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox X-Origin: Hain-M X-FileName: mary-hain.nsf Hello, everyone! ? As those of you who were able to attend the RRG meeting on March 23 may recall, we received a number of suggestions that the Stage 2 work process be restructured to a more sequenced approach.? That is, in the near term we should focus on key critical path tasks and then return to additional work efforts once the critical path items have been more fully developed. ? In response to these suggestions, we have substantially revised the RTO West meeting calendar for the remainder of March and for the entire month of April.? The revised calendar has now been posted on the RTO West Stage 2 Main Page, which you can view by clicking on the link below: ? ? Please note that this revised calendar for the most part reflects?cancellations of meetings of work groups whose work has been temporarily suspended.? The areas of primary focus for the near term are the congestion model and work on suspension of existing transmission agreements among Filing Utilities and the corresponding transfer payments and conversion of rights.? Those working?in these areas may schedule additional meetings in April as needed.? There will be?one additional area of work during April, which will involve taking an integrated approach to dealing with issues around tort liability, commercial liability, and credit worthiness and credit risk.? Gary Dahlke sent out an e-mail?on this topic some weeks ago to the people who participated in the Stage 1 work on the Agreement Limiting Liability.? So far there are no scheduled meetings?for this additional work effort, but we expect there will be some meetings scheduled during the month of April. ? Please be assured that the areas in which work is being temporarily suspended?will be addressed; it is just a matter of marshalling everyone's resources in the near term to the most critical tasks. ? Thank you all very much for your helpful comments and suggestions. ? - Sarah Dennison-Leonard, ? on behalf of the RTO West Stage 2 Coordinating Team