Message-ID: <1375312.1075860433502.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 03:52:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: Cancellation of June 15 RRG Meeting Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: RTO West Regional Representatives Group X-To: RRGA-L@LIST.RTOWEST.ORG X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mary_Hain_Aug2000_Jul2001\Notes Folders\Notes inbox X-Origin: Hain-M X-FileName: mary-hain.nsf Hello, Everyone - The RTO West Regional Representatives Group (RRG) meeting tentatively scheduled for Friday, June 15, has been cancelled. Good progress continues to be made on congestion management, planning, pricing, liability, and "seams" issues. Additional development of these issues by the work groups is necessary before they will be ready for RRG consideration. Thanks, too, for the suggestions several of you have given us for potential consultants for the cost-benefit analysis. Assuming no major conflicts, we have tentatively scheduled Friday, June 29, for the next RRG meeting. We will confirm or re-schedule this June 29 meeting date as soon as we can. Have a pleasant weekend. - Bud