Message-ID: <19307681.1075847152048.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 23:17:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: ENRON LAUNCHES GLOBAL WEB-BASED COMMODITY TRADING SITE Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ANSI_X3.4-1968 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable X-From: Press Release X-To: All Enron Worldwide X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Tanya_Jones_Dec2000\Notes Folders\Online trading X-Origin: JONES-T X-FileName: tjones.nsf HOUSTON - Enron announced today the launch of EnronOnline, a global=20 Internet-based transaction system for wholesale energy and other=20 commodities. EnronOnline will allow participants to not only view commodit= y=20 prices in real-time but also to directly transact with Enron over the=20 Internet free of commission. The transaction system will go live on Nov. 29= ,=20 1999, with the launch of North America natural gas to be followed by all=20 other products over the next six weeks. "EnronOnline offers customers the next level of wholesale energy transacti= on=20 service by having easy and simple access to Enron=01,s prices and products,= "=20 said Jeffrey K. Skilling, president and COO of Enron. "This Internet syste= m=20 complements Enron=01,s extensive marketing capabilities and gives our=20 counterparties the choice of transacting over the telephone or instantly=20 through our website." Enron=01,s customers across the world will be able to access several hundre= d=20 traded products through EnronOnline. The company will leverage its wholesal= e=20 market expertise to publish real-time prices for power, natural gas, coal,= =20 weather products, liquids, petrochemicals, pulp and paper, emission credits= =20 and other commodities in the Americas, Europe and Asia. It will continue=20 expanding web-based commodity and product offerings globally. "Unlike other Internet commodity service providers, EnronOnline doesn=01,t= =20 match buyers with sellers," said Skilling. "Customers will be able to=20 instantaneously conduct transactions directly with an Enron company as a=20 principal."=20 Real-time capabilities in the United States will be delivered wherever=20 possible through Enron Communication, Inc.=01,s intelligent fiber optic net= work.=20 This system is designed to combat web latency and create a true real-time= =20 environment online for Enron=01,s customers. A preview of the system is currently available at Enron is one of the world=01,s leading electricity, natural gas and=20 communications companies. The company, which owns approximately $34 billio= n=20 in energy and communications assets, produces electricity and natural gas,= =20 develops, constructs and operates energy facilities worldwide, delivers=20 physical commodities and financial and risk management services to customer= s=20 around the world, and is developing an intelligent network platform to=20 facilitate online business. Enron=01,s Internet address is a= nd=20 the stock is traded under the ticker symbol, "ENE."