Message-ID: <28837802.1075856440961.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 08:34:00 -0700 (PDT) From: To: Subject: Re: Update Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Vince J Kaminski X-To: Molly Magee X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Vincent_Kaminski_Jun2001_3\Notes Folders\Sent X-Origin: Kaminski-V X-FileName: vkamins.nsf Molly, Thanks a lot. I am very glad about Jinbaek. Vince From: Molly Magee/ENRON@enronXgate on 04/11/2001 06:11 PM To: Vince J Kaminski/HOU/ECT@ECT, Stinson Gibner/HOU/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Update I've talked several times with Scott Gerson of the Focus Group about the list of candidates he has presented to you. He says that Sriram is "ready to go", but that the other NY guys are "kinda iffy". He did say that they may become more interested in Houston if they don't receive NY job offers within the next week or so. We have scheduled Sriram to come in to interview with the group on Thursday, 4/19, beginning at 9:00 am with you, Vince. I will keep you posted if I hear anything more from Scott. Spoke with Jinbaek Kim today, and he is very excited about the offer to do a summer internship with the Research Group. We will get his offer letter out to him tomorrow, but he has indicated a definite verbal acceptance. I'll be in tomorrow, but off Friday. Please call me with any questions you might have. Thanks, Molly x34804