Message-ID: <4540551.1075855465177.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 10:33:54 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: FW: Join Me at the CRM Executive Networking Forum Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: Kaminski, Vince J X-To: '' X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Vincent_Kaminski_Jan2002_1\Kaminski, Vince J\Sent Items X-Origin: Kaminski-V X-FileName: vkamins (Non-Privileged).pst -----Original Message----- From: Chris Wright @ENRON Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 12:14 PM To: Subject: Join Me at the CRM Executive Networking Forum [IMAGE] Vince Kaminsky Vice President of Research Enron Corporation 1400 Smith Street Houston, TX 77251-1188 7138533848 Dear Vince, We've all heard CRM and PRM touted as critical elements in the fight for customer and partner insight and loyalty, but for many of us it's still a big unknown. Are you interested in sitting down with people who have implemented CRM and PRM systems in their companies to discuss their process and experiences? Join us in our breakthrough CRM Executive Forum, Sunday January 13 and Monday January 14 at the SunBurst Resort and Spa in Scottsdale, Arizona to meet and discuss CRM issues and realities with industry leaders and practitioners. I promise you a stimulating and interactive program dedicated to your needs and to finding answers to your interests. Sunday's Agenda Includes: Golf TournaMint -- a gold mine of networking for all skill levels Exclusive reception and dinner Networking Cocktail Receptions Networking Buffet Dinner On Monday, select one of the below powerful interactive workshops and come prepared to roll-up-your-sleeves and lay down your plans: Workshop A: CRM Analytics Executive Forum Workshop B: Optimizing Customer Touch Points Customer Insights to Drive Your Business Strategy Topic Covered Include: *From Customer Data to Customer Intelligence *Segmentation Analytics *Personalization Analytics *Web Analytics Creating & Managing the Complete Customer Experience Topics Covered Include: *Implementing Best Practices & Performance Measures to Deliver Value to Your Customer & Your Company *Executing eCRM Change in a Multi-Channel Contact Center *Structuring & Managing Your Lead Management Process *Leveraging Your eMail Channel *Monday's program also includes an Executive Forum Networking Luncheon, Refreshments, Networking and Exhibition Break This is your opportunity to mindshare with fellow executives for a 360 degree market view, and learn first hand the hows and whys of CRM opportunities. Plan to attend this unprecedented gathering of leaders and enjoy the benefits of networking with the best in the industry. Refer to the complete event agenda for more information, available from your event consultant by replying to this message. Please reply to this email with history, indicating your selections: I am interested in participating in interactive sessions. Have my event consultant contact me. Email me the free, detailed Executive Forum agenda. Fax me additional information. I'd like information on General Summit Sponsorship and Exhibition opportunities. My golf handicap ______ I look forward to seeing you at the Executive Forum, [IMAGE] Chris Wright Conference Chairman Frost & Sullivan Forward this email to any fellow executives you feel might benefit from these meaningful, hands-on workshops. Reply now and indicate your selections for expedited handling. *Please update any information necessary by reply to this email. ETO4 This message is being sent to you by Frost & Sullivan If you would prefer not to receive further messages from this sender, please click on the following e-mail link and send a message with or without any text:Click here for e-mail You will receive one additional e-mail message confirming your removal.