Message-ID: <5814997.1075855344823.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 17:48:26 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: Save up to 50% on Palm Accessories! Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: InSync Online X-To: Whitt, Mark X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mark_Whitt_Jan2002_1\Whitt, Mark\Inbox X-Origin: Whitt-M X-FileName: mwhitt (Non-Privileged).pst Palm Accessories - December 2001
visit the Palm Store
Dear Mark,

For a limited time, our returns are your gain! We're now offering some of our best-selling accessories at huge discounts. Up to 50%. These are unopened customer returns that are good as new, and perform impeccably! And they're all covered by Palm's 30 day money-back guarantee.

Check out these great deals on our Palm™ V Portable Keyboard, our sleek, stylish hard case and our slim leather carrying case.

- The Palm Team

Palm(tm) V Portable Keyboard with Deluxe Keyboard case
Save over 50% on this handy, portable keyboard that folds out to full-size, but collapses to pocket-size. It's perfect for sending and responding to email, composing memos, or writing reports when you're away from the office. The Palm™ V portable keyboard snaps directly on to your Palm™ Vx handheld, and at only 8oz it won't ruin the line of your suit. Plus, for a limited time, you'll also receive a FREE convenient carrying case, so you can carry your Palm handheld and new keyboard in one place. That's another $39.95 savings! Purchase it now.


Anodized Aluminum Case
Wow, this case is a real looker! And when you purchase it now you'll save over 30% off the regular retail price. This durable, plastic, hard case with anodized aluminum is designed to complement the sleek finish of your Palm™ Vx handheld. Just slot your Palm™ Vx handheld inside the case via the center rail, and voila, your Palm™ handheld is protected with panache. Limited quantities available so act fast!


Leather Carrying Case
Save over 40% on this lightweight, but sturdy, leather carrying case. Just slide your Palm V series handheld into the center rail to hold it securely in place. It'll be protected in style! Plus, this handsome case measures only 4 1/2" by 3 3/8", so it fits easily in your shirt pocket or purse. Purchase it now.


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