Message-ID: <13177137.1075855340969.JavaMail.evans@thyme> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2001 16:15:52 -0800 (PST) From: To: Subject: 4th Quarter Board Meeting Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-From: IPAMS X-To: X-cc: X-bcc: X-Folder: \Mark_Whitt_Jan2002_1\Whitt, Mark\Inbox X-Origin: Whitt-M X-FileName: mwhitt (Non-Privileged).pst November 27, 2001 Re: IPAMS 4th Quarter Board of Directors Meeting December 7, 2001 at the Pinnacle Club, starting at 9:30 am Dear Board Member: I wanted to give you a quick reminder that the 4th Quarter Board of Directors Meeting is next week. Hopefully you've already made arrangements and are planning to attend. We have a short amount of time to cover all our topics, so each board member is asked to keep their oral report short (3-5 minutes). Oral reports are intended to touch on highlights such as: significant issues and upcoming events or activities. For Committee Chairs and State Vice Presidents a more detailed description of your activities/reports should be contained in your written report. A form for submitting your report is also included with this letter. As a reminder, please submit written reports to the IPAMS staff no later than Monday, December 3rd. Please RSVP to Natalie in the IPAMS office by responding to this message or e-mailing her at Thanks for your continued involvement, and I look forward to seeing you on the 7th. If you should have any questions, please feel free to call the IPAMS staff for more information, 303-623-0987. Very truly yours, Robert L. Bayless, Jr.