CPSC 461b: Foundations of Cryptography | Notes 19 (rev. 2) | |
Professor M. J. Fischer | April 2, 2009 | |
Lecture Notes 19
The goal of the next couple of lectures is to show that every language in has a zero knowledge
interactive proof. We begin with the graph 3-colorability problem.
Definition: Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph. A 3-coloring of G is a function ψ : V →{1,2,3}
such that for all (u,v) E, ψ(u)≠ψ(v).
That is, each node is labeled with one of three colors such that no edge connects two nodes of the same color.
Definition: A graph G is 3-colorable if there is a 3-coloring of G. The language G3C is the set of 3-colorable graphs.
Fact G3C is -complete.
The protocol makes use of a commitment scheme. For now, assume a family of functions
{Cs∣s {0,1}n}n
ℕ, where Cs(σ)
{0,1}* for each s
{0,1}n and σ
{1,2,3}. Cs(σ) is said to be
the commitment of the sender using coins s to the value σ. Cs(σ) can be computed in polynomial time
given s and σ. We desire that the commitment scheme satisfy two properties:
Formal properties and construction of more general commitment schemes are given in section 48. The interactive proof for G3C is given in Figure 47.1.
In step 1 of Figure 47.1, the prover randomly permutes the colors in the 3-coloring ψ to
produce a new 3-coloring ϕ of G. It commits to each color ϕ(v) for v V with the commitment
and sends
. The verifier checks that ϕ is a 3-coloring by asking the prover to reveal the
colors at the two endpoints of a randomly chosen edge (u,v). The prover does so in step 3. In
step 4, the verifier checks that the colors at u and v were revealed correctly and that they are
If both P and V follow this protocol, V always accepts, establishing completeness. If G is not 3-colorable, then any 3-coloring ϕ committed to by a cheating prover P* in step 1 will have at least one edge whose endpoints are colored the same. With probability 1∕|E|, V chooses this edge in step 2. Whatever values P* sends in step 3 will fail V ’s one of V ’s checks, either on correctly opening cu or cv, or it will finds that u and v are colored the same. Hence, V will reject with probability at least 1∕|V |.
The construction of the simulator M* to show that this protocol is zero knowledge is deferred to the next lecture.
A bit-commitment scheme is a pair of probabilistic polynomial-time interactive Turing machines (S,R)
called the sender and receiver, respectively. The common input is a security parameter 1n. The sender’s
private input is a bit v. The sender’s commitment to v is the receiver’s view (r,) of its interaction with
S, where r is the receiver’s random coins and
is the sequence of messages received from
Fix n and let σ {0,1}. We say a receiver view (r,
) is a possible σ-commitment if, for some string
describes the messages received by R when R uses local coins r, S uses local coins s, and S has
private input σ. The view is ambiguous if it is both a possible 0-commitment and a possible
Here are the requirements for the commit phase of a bit-commitment scheme:
are computationally indistinguishable. The notation ⟨S(v),R*⟩(x) as used here means the random variable describing the receiver’s view in a joint computation of S and R* on common input x, where S has private input v. (Recall the definition of computational indistinguishability in section 26 of lecture notes 10.)
In the reveal phase, the sender opens the commitment (r,) by revealing the secret bit v and the
sequence s of local coins that it used during the commit phase. Upon receiving (v,s), the receiver
re-executes the joint computation of the commit phase, simulating S(v) using local coins s,
and simulating R with local coins r. It then checks that the sequence of messages
′ sent
by S in the simulation matches the sequence
from the commitment and accepts iff they
Let f : {0,1}*→{0,1}* be a one-way permutation, and let b : {0,1}*→{0,1} be a hard core predicate for f. A commitment scheme is easily derived from f and b.
Unambiguity is immediate since f is a permutation. Hence, if m = (y,τ) for some string y and
τ {0,1}, then m is a commitment only to the value v = b(s) ⊕ τ, where s = f-1(y) is the unique
inverse of y under f.
Secrecy follows from the fact that b is a hard-core predicate for f. Here’s a sketch of the proof of secrecy.
Suppose some probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm D(m) is able to distinguish commitments to 0 from commitments to 1 with non-negligible probability ϵ(n). Formally
where Un is a uniformly distributed random variable over {0,1}n. Without loss of generality, we may assume that the output of D is either 0 or 1, and we may drop the absolute value brackets and assume that
We construct an algorithm A′ that on input y = f(s) correctly outputs b(s) with non-negligible advantage ϵ′(n) over random guessing. Formally,
A′(y) chooses τ {0,1} uniformly at random, constructs m = (y,τ), computes σ = D(m) and outputs
σ ⊕ τ.
From the proof of unambiguity above, m = (y,τ) is a commitment to v = τ ⊕ b(s), where s = f-1(y). Hence, b(s) = τ ⊕ v. Thus, if m is a commitment to v and D(m) outputs v, then A′(y) correctly outputs b(s). Moreover, because τ is chosen at random, m is equally likely to be a commitment to 0 or a commitment to 1.
We leave to the reader the task of showing that A′(f(s)) has an ϵ′(n) advantage at guessing b(s) for some non-negligible function ϵ′(n). This contradicts the assumption that b is hard-core for f. Hence, the assumed distinguisher D does not exist and the commit phase satisfies the secrecy condition.
Although the commitment scheme of section 48.1 is simple, it assumes the existence of one-way permutations. This is a possibly stronger assumption than the existence of one-way functions, for the problem of constructing a one-way permutation assuming only the existence of one-way functions is still open. However, it is known that pseudorandom generators can be constructed assuming only the existence of one-way functions. We now construct a bit-commitment scheme based on a pseudorandom generator, showing that commitment schemes exist if one-way functions exist.
Let G(s) be a pseudorandom generator with expansion factor ℓ(n) = 3n. (See section 29 of lecture notes 12.)
and sends m to the receiver. The sender’s commitment to v is the receiver view (r,m).
The proof of the secrecy condition is another reducibility argument. Assuming there is a distinguisher between commitments to 0 and commitments to 1, one constructs a distinguisher between G(Un) and U3n, contradicting the assumption that G is a pseudorandom generator. Details are in the textbook.
The proof of unambiguity is more interesting. This commitment scheme does not have perfect unambiguity. For example, if r = 0, then the receiver view (r,G(s)) is a commitment to both 0 and 1. More generally, if there exist s0,s1 such that G(s0) = G(s1) ⊕ r, then the receiver view (r,G(s0)) = (r,G(s1) ⊕ r) is ambiguous. Otherwise, (r,m) is unambiguous for all receiver views (r,m).
Call a value r bad if r = G(s0) ⊕ G(s1) for some s0,s1 and good otherwise. There are
(2n)2 = 22n pairs (s0,s1), where s0,s1 {0,1}n, and each of them gives rise to one bad value
r = G(s0) ⊕ G(s1). All of the other 23n possible values for r are good. Hence, the probability of the
receiver choosing a bad r is exponentially small – only 22n∕23n = 1∕2n, which is a negligible