CPSC 461b: Foundations of Cryptography Notes 19 (rev. 2)
Professor M. J. Fischer April 2, 2009

Lecture Notes 19

47 A Zero-Knowledge Interactive Proof for Graph 3-Coloring

The goal of the next couple of lectures is to show that every language in NP has a zero knowledge interactive proof. We begin with the graph 3-colorability problem.

47.1 Graph 3-colorability

Definition: Let G = (V,E) be a simple graph. A 3-coloring of G is a function ψ : V →{1,2,3} such that for all (u,v) ∈ E, ψ(u)ψ(v).

That is, each node is labeled with one of three colors such that no edge connects two nodes of the same color.

Definition: A graph G is 3-colorable if there is a 3-coloring of G. The language G3C is the set of 3-colorable graphs.

Fact G3C is NP-complete.

47.2 The protocol

The protocol makes use of a commitment scheme. For now, assume a family of functions {Css ∈{0,1}n}n∈, where Cs(σ) ∈{0,1}* for each s ∈{0,1}n and σ ∈{1,2,3}. Cs(σ) is said to be the commitment of the sender using coins s to the value σ. Cs(σ) can be computed in polynomial time given s and σ. We desire that the commitment scheme satisfy two properties:

The commitment Cs(σ) to σ reveals a negligible amount of information about σ. In other words, the receiver of the commitment cannot distinguish commitments to any of the three colors with non-negligible advantage over random guessing.
If Cs(σ) = Cs(σ), then σ= σ. In other words, given a string c, there is at most one σ for which it is a valid commitment.

Formal properties and construction of more general commitment schemes are given in section 48. The interactive proof for G3C is given in Figure 47.1.

Common input: Simple graph G = (V,E), where V = {1,,n}.
Prover P Verifier V
Private input: 3-coloring ψ of G.
1. Random permutation π over {1,2,3}.
ϕ = π ψ is also 3-coloring of G.
Random s1,,sn ∈{0,1}n.
Compute ci = Csv(ϕ(v)) v ∈ V .
¯c = (c1,,cn).  c¯
2. (u,v)
← - Random (u,v) ∈ E.
3. ru = (su(u)), rv = (sv(v)). (r-u→,rv)
4. Let (ŝu,ˆσu) = ru.
Let (ŝv,ˆσv) = rv.
Check cu = Cŝu(ˆσu).
Check cv = Cŝv(ˆσv).
Check ˆσuσˆv.
Accept iff all checks succeed.

Figure 47.1: Interactive proof for graph 3-colorability.

Explanation. In step 1 of Figure 47.1, the prover randomly permutes the colors in the 3-coloring ψ to produce a new 3-coloring ϕ of G. It commits to each color ϕ(v) for v ∈ V with the commitment sequence ¯c and sends ¯c . The verifier checks that ϕ is a 3-coloring by asking the prover to reveal the colors at the two endpoints of a randomly chosen edge (u,v). The prover does so in step 3. In step 4, the verifier checks that the colors at u and v were revealed correctly and that they are different.

If both P and V follow this protocol, V always accepts, establishing completeness. If G is not 3-colorable, then any 3-coloring ϕ committed to by a cheating prover P* in step 1 will have at least one edge whose endpoints are colored the same. With probability 1|E|, V chooses this edge in step 2. Whatever values P* sends in step 3 will fail V ’s one of V ’s checks, either on correctly opening cu or cv, or it will finds that u and v are colored the same. Hence, V will reject with probability at least 1|V |.

The construction of the simulator M* to show that this protocol is zero knowledge is deferred to the next lecture.

48 Bit-Commitment Schemes

A bit-commitment scheme is a pair of probabilistic polynomial-time interactive Turing machines (S,R) called the sender and receiver, respectively. The common input is a security parameter 1n. The sender’s private input is a bit v. The sender’s commitment to v is the receiver’s view (r,¯m) of its interaction with S, where r is the receiver’s random coins and ¯m is the sequence of messages received from S.

Fix n and let σ ∈{0,1}. We say a receiver view (r,¯m) is a possible σ-commitment if, for some string s, m¯ describes the messages received by R when R uses local coins r, S uses local coins s, and S has private input σ. The view is ambiguous if it is both a possible 0-commitment and a possible 1-commitment.

Here are the requirements for the commit phase of a bit-commitment scheme:

Input specification
The common input is a security parameter 1n. The sender’s private input is a bit v.
For all probabilistic polynomial-time interactive Turing machines R* interacting with S, the probability ensembles
         *   n                    *   n
{ ⟨S (0),R  ⟩(1  )}n∈ℕ   and  {⟨S(1),R ⟩(1 )}n∈ℕ

are computationally indistinguishable. The notation S(v),R*(x) as used here means the random variable describing the receiver’s view in a joint computation of S and R* on common input x, where S has private input v. (Recall the definition of computational indistinguishability in section 26 of lecture notes 10.)

For all but a negligible fraction of the receiver’s local coins r, there is no sequence of sender messages ¯m for which the receiver’s view (r,¯m) is ambiguous.

In the reveal phase, the sender opens the commitment (r,m¯) by revealing the secret bit v and the sequence s of local coins that it used during the commit phase. Upon receiving (v,s), the receiver re-executes the joint computation of the commit phase, simulating S(v) using local coins s, and simulating R with local coins r. It then checks that the sequence of messages m¯sent by S in the simulation matches the sequence m¯ from the commitment and accepts iff they agree.

48.1 Commitment based on a one-way permutation

Let f : {0,1}*→{0,1}* be a one-way permutation, and let b : {0,1}*→{0,1} be a hard core predicate for f. A commitment scheme is easily derived from f and b.

Commit phase
Let 1n be the common input and v the sender’s private input. The sender chooses a uniformly distributed binary string s of length n and sends a single message m = Cs(v) = (f(s),b(s)v) to the receiver. The receiver does nothing during the commit phase (and hence uses no local coins). The sender’s commitment to v is just m.
Reveal phase
To open m, the sender sends the pair (v,s). The receiver checks that m = Cs(v).

Unambiguity is immediate since f is a permutation. Hence, if m = (y,τ) for some string y and τ ∈{0,1}, then m is a commitment only to the value v = b(s) τ, where s = f-1(y) is the unique inverse of y under f.

Secrecy follows from the fact that b is a hard-core predicate for f. Here’s a sketch of the proof of secrecy.

Suppose some probabilistic polynomial-time algorithm D(m) is able to distinguish commitments to 0 from commitments to 1 with non-negligible probability ϵ(n). Formally

|P r[D (f(Un),b(Un) ⊕ 1) = 1] - Pr[D (f (Un ),b(Un )) = 1]| ≥ ϵ(n),

where Un is a uniformly distributed random variable over {0,1}n. Without loss of generality, we may assume that the output of D is either 0 or 1, and we may drop the absolute value brackets and assume that

P r[D (f(Un),b(Un) ⊕ 1) = 1] - Pr[D (f (Un ),b(Un )) = 1] ≥ ϵ(n ).

We construct an algorithm Athat on input y = f(s) correctly outputs b(s) with non-negligible advantage ϵ(n) over random guessing. Formally,

     ′                  1-   ′
P r[A (f (Un )) = b(Un)] ≥ 2 + ϵ(n)

A(y) chooses τ ∈{0,1} uniformly at random, constructs m = (y,τ), computes σ = D(m) and outputs σ τ.

From the proof of unambiguity above, m = (y,τ) is a commitment to v = τ b(s), where s = f-1(y). Hence, b(s) = τ v. Thus, if m is a commitment to v and D(m) outputs v, then A(y) correctly outputs b(s). Moreover, because τ is chosen at random, m is equally likely to be a commitment to 0 or a commitment to 1.

We leave to the reader the task of showing that A(f(s)) has an ϵ(n) advantage at guessing b(s) for some non-negligible function ϵ(n). This contradicts the assumption that b is hard-core for f. Hence, the assumed distinguisher D does not exist and the commit phase satisfies the secrecy condition.

48.2 Commitment based on a pseudorandom generator

Although the commitment scheme of section 48.1 is simple, it assumes the existence of one-way permutations. This is a possibly stronger assumption than the existence of one-way functions, for the problem of constructing a one-way permutation assuming only the existence of one-way functions is still open. However, it is known that pseudorandom generators can be constructed assuming only the existence of one-way functions. We now construct a bit-commitment scheme based on a pseudorandom generator, showing that commitment schemes exist if one-way functions exist.

Let G(s) be a pseudorandom generator with expansion factor (n) = 3n. (See section 29 of lecture notes 12.)

Commit phase
Let 1n be the common input and v the sender’s private input. The receiver chooses r ∈{0,1}3n uniformly at random and sends r to the sender. The sender chooses s ∈{0,1}n uniformly at random, computes
    {  G(s)      if v = 0
m =
       G(s) ⊕ r  if v = 1

and sends m to the receiver. The sender’s commitment to v is the receiver view (r,m).

Reveal phase
To open (r,m), the sender sends the pair (v,s). The receiver checks that either v = 0 and m = G(s) or v = 1 and m = G(s) r.

The proof of the secrecy condition is another reducibility argument. Assuming there is a distinguisher between commitments to 0 and commitments to 1, one constructs a distinguisher between G(Un) and U3n, contradicting the assumption that G is a pseudorandom generator. Details are in the textbook.

The proof of unambiguity is more interesting. This commitment scheme does not have perfect unambiguity. For example, if r = 0, then the receiver view (r,G(s)) is a commitment to both 0 and 1. More generally, if there exist s0,s1 such that G(s0) = G(s1) r, then the receiver view (r,G(s0)) = (r,G(s1) r) is ambiguous. Otherwise, (r,m) is unambiguous for all receiver views (r,m).

Call a value r bad if r = G(s0) G(s1) for some s0,s1 and good otherwise. There are (2n)2 = 22n pairs (s0,s1), where s0,s1 ∈{0,1}n, and each of them gives rise to one bad value r = G(s0) G(s1). All of the other 23n possible values for r are good. Hence, the probability of the receiver choosing a bad r is exponentially small – only 22n23n = 12n, which is a negligible function.