CPSC 467a: Cryptography and Computer Security Notes 14 (rev. 1)
Professor M. J. Fischer October 24, 2006

Lecture Notes 14

68 Digital Signatures

A digital signature is a string attached to a message that is used to guarantee the integrity and authenticity of the message. It is very much like the message authentication codes (MACs) discussed in section 34 of lecture notes 6. Recall that Alice can protect a message m (encrypted or not) by attaching a MAC ξ = Ck(m) to the message m. The pair (m,ξ) is an authenticated message. To produce a MAC requires possession of the secret key k. To verify the integrity and authenticity of m, Bob, who also must know k, checks a received pair (m) by verifying that ξ = Ck(m). Assuming Alice and Bob are the only parties who share k, then Bob knows that either he or Alice must have sent the message.

A digital signature can be viewed as a 2-key MAC, just as a public key cryptosystem is a 2-key version of a classical cryptosystem. The basic idea is the same. Let M be a message space and S a signature space. A signature scheme consists of a private signing key d, a public verification key e, a signature function Sd : MS, and a verification predicate V e M×S.1 A signed message is a pair (m,s) ∈M×S. A signed message is valid if V e(m,s) holds, and we say that (m,s) is signed with e.

The basic property of a signature scheme is that the signing function always produces valid signatures, that is,

Ve(m, Sd(m))

always holds. Assuming d is Alice’s private signing key, and only Alice knows d, then a valid message signed with Alice’s key d identifies her with m (possibly erroneously, as we shall see).

69 RSA digital signature scheme and commutative cryptosystems

RSA can be used for digital signatures as follows: Alice generates an RSA modulus n and key pair (e,d), where e is public and d private as usual. Let Sd(m) = Dd(m), and let V e(m,s) hold iff m = Ee(s). To see that Equation 1 holds for RSA signatures, we must verify that m = Ee(Dd(m)) for all messages m. This is the reverse of the condition we required for RSA to be a valid cryptosystem, viz. Dd(Ee(m)) for all m ∈ Zm. However, RSA satisfies both conditions since

Dd(Ee(m )) ≡ (me )d ≡ med ≡ (md)e ≡ Ee(Dd (m )) ≡ m (mod  n).

A cryptosystem with this property that Dd Ee = Ee Dd is said to be commutative, where “” denotes functional composition. Indeed, any commutative public key cryptosystem can be used for digital signatures in exactly this same way.

70 Signatures from non-commutative cryptosystems

We digress slightly and ask what we could do in case Ee and Dd did not commute.

One possibility would be to define Se(m) = Ee(m) and V e(m,s) to hold iff m = Dd(s). Now indeed every validly-signed message (m,Se(m)) would verify since Ee(Dd(m)) = m is the basic property of a cryptosystem.

To make use of this scheme, Alice would have to keep e private and make d public. Assuming Alice generated the key pair in the first place, there is nothing preventing her from doing this. However, the resulting system might not be secure, for even if it is hard for Eve to find d from e, it might not be hard to find e from d.

For RSA, it is just as hard, but that’s because RSA is completely symmetric in e and d. Other cryptosystems do not necessarily enjoy this symmetry property. For example, in the ElGamal scheme (discussed in lecture notes 11, section 59), we have the equation b = gy (mod p). Finding y from b is the discrete log problem and is believed to be hard. But going the other way, finding b from y, is straightforward, so the roles of public and private key cannot be interchanged while preserving security.2

71 Security of digital signatures

For digital signatures to be of any use, they must be difficult to forge. Just as there are different notions of security of a cryptosystem, there are different notions of valid signatures being hard to forge. Below are some increasingly stringent notions of forgery-resistance:

RSA signatures are indeed vulnerable to the latter kind of attack. It is easy for an attacker to generate valid random signed messages (m,s). He merely chooses sat random and computes m= Ee(s).

71.1 Random messages

One often wants to sign random strings, so the ability of an attacker to generate valid random signed messages is a real drawback for certain practical applications. For example, in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol discussed in lecture notes 11, section 58, Alice and Bob exchange random-looking numbers a = gx mod p and b = gy mod p. In order to discourage man-in-the-middle attacks, they may wish to sign these strings. (This assumes that they already have each other’s public signature verification keys.) However, Mallory could feed bogus signed values aand bto Bob and Alice, respectively. The signatures would check, and both would think they had successfully established a shared key k when in fact they had not.

71.2 Adding redundancy

One way to get around the adversary’s ability to generate valid random signed messages is to put redundancy into the message, for example, by prefixing a fixed string σ to the front of each message before signing it. Instead of taking Sd(m) = Dd(m), one could take Sd(m) = Dd(σm). The corresponding verification predicate V e(m,s) would then check that σm = Ee(s).

The security of this scheme depends on the mixing properties of the encryption and decryption functions, that is, each output bit depends on all of the input bits. Not all cryptosystems have this property. For example, a block cipher used in ECB mode (see lecture notes 5, section 28) encrypts a block at a time, so each block of output bits depends only on the corresponding block of input bits.

With such a cipher, it could well happen that Sd(m) = Dd(σm) = Dd(σ) Dd(m). This would allow Mallory to forge random messages assuming he knows just one valid signed message (m0,s0). Here’s how. He knows that s0 = Dd(σ) Dd(m), so from s0 he extracts the prefix s00 = Dd(σ). He now generates a valid signed message by choosing a ransom s01 and computing m= Ee(s01) and s= s00 s01. The signed message (m,s) is valid since Ee(s) = Ee(s00 s01) = Ee(s00) Ee(s01) = σm.

71.3 Signing message digests

A better way to eliminate Mallory’s ability to generate valid signed messages is to sign a message digest of the message rather than signing m itself. A message digest function h, also called a cryptographic hash function, maps long strings to short random-looking strings. To sign a message m, Alice computes Sd(m) = Dd(h(m)). To verify the signature s, Bob checks that h(m) = Ee(s). For Mallory to generate a forged signed message (m,s) he must somehow come up with mand s satisfying

    ′       ′
h (m  ) = Ee (s )

That is, he must find mand sthat both map to the same string, where mis mapped by h and sby Ee. Alice can invert Ee by computing Dd, which is what enables her to sign messages. But Mallory presumably cannot compute Dd. The defining property of a cryptographic hash function implies that he also can’t “invert” h. h is not one-to-one, so it doesn’t have an inverse in the usual sense. What we mean here is that, given y, Mallory cannot feasibly find any msuch that h(m) = y.

A second advantage of signing message digests rather than signing messages directly is that the resulting signed messages are shorter. If one uses RSA in the way described to sign m, the signature is same length as m, so the signed message is twice as long as m. But a message digest is a fixed length, for example, 160 bits, so the signed version of m is only 160 bits longer than m itself. For both reasons of security and efficiency, signed message digests are what is used in practice.

We’ll talk more about message digests in section 73.

72 Implications of Digital Signatures

We like to think of a digital signature as a digital analog to a conventional signature. However, there is an important difference. A conventional signature binds a person to a document. Barring forgery, a valid signature indicates that a particular individual performed the action of signing the document. Similarly, a digital signature binds a signing key to a document. Barring forgery, a valid digital signature indicates that a particular signing key was used to sign the document. However, it does not directly bind an individual to the document the way a conventional signature does. Rather, the binding of an individual to a document is indirect. The signature binds the signing key to the document, but other considerations must be used to bind the individual to the signing key.

An individual can always disavow a signature on the grounds that the private signing key has become compromised. There are many ways that this can happen. Since signing keys must be quite long for security (768, 1024, or even 2048 bits are common), Alice can’t be expected to memorize the key; it must be written down somewhere. Whereever it resides, there is the possibility of it being copied, or the physical device containing it being stolen. Even if she were able to memorize it, she would have to type it into her computer in order to use it, exposing it to keystroke monitors or other spyware that might have been surreptitiously installed on her computer. Indeed, she might deliberately publish her signing key for the express purpose of relinquishing responsibility for documents signed by her key. For all of these reasons, one cannot conclude “without a reasonable doubt” that a digitally signed document was indeed signed by the purported holder of the signing key.

This isn’t to say that digital signatures aren’t useful; only that they have significantly different properties than conventional signatures. In particular, they are subject to disavowal by the signer in a way that conventional signatures are not. Nevertheless, they are still very useful in situations where disavowal is not a problem.

73 Message Digest Functions

Recall that a message digest or cryptographic one-way hash function h maps MH, where M is the message space and H the hash value space. A collision is a pair of messages m1 and m2 such that h(m1) = h(m2), and we say that m1 and m2 collide. We generally assume M∣≫∣H, in which case h is very far from being one-to-one, and there are many colliding pairs. Nevertheless, we want it to be hard for an adversary to find collisions. We consider three increasingly strong versions of this property:

One-way property:
Given y ∈H, it is “hard” to “find” m ∈M such that h(m) = y.
Weak collision-free property:
Given m ∈ M, it is “hard” to “find” m∈ M such that m⁄=m and h(m) = h(m).
Strong collision-free property:
It is “hard” to “find” colliding pairs (m,m). (What does this mean in a complexity-theoretic sense?)

These definitions as I have stated them are rather vague, for they ignore issues of what we mean by “hard” and “find”. Intuitively, “hard” means that Mallory cannot carry out the computation in a feasible amount of time on a realistic computer, but this just raises the question with what do we mean by “feasible time” and “realistic computer”? The term “find” has several reasonable interpretations. It may mean “always produces a correct answer”, or “produces a correct answer with high probability”, or “produces a correct answer on a significant number of possible inputs with non-negligible probability”. The latter notion of “find” is rather weak; it just says that Mallory every now and then can break the system. For any given application, there is a maximum acceptable rate of error, and we must be sure that our cryptographic system meets that requirement.

Let me say a little more about what it means for h to be one-way. Intuitively, this means that no probabilistic polynomial time algorithm A(y) produces a pre-image m of y under h with more than negligable probability of success. However, this probability of success need not be negligable for all y. We only require that the expected probability of success be negligable when y itself is chosen according to a particular probability distribution. The distribution we have in mind is the one induced by h applied to uniformly distributed m ∈M. That is, the probability of y is proportional to the number of values m ∈M such that h(m) = y. This means that h can be considered one-way even though algorithms do exist that succeed on low-probability subsets of H.

The following example might help clarify these ideas. Let h(m) be a cryptographic hash function that produces hash values of length n. Define a new hash function H(m) as follows:

           0⋅m      if ∣m∣ = n
H (m) =    1⋅h(m )  otherw ise.

Thus, H produces hash values of length n + 1. H(m) is clearly collision-free since the only possible collisions are for m’s of lengths different from n. Any such colliding pair (m,m) for H is also a colliding pair for h. Since h is collision-free, then so is H.

Not so obvious is that H is one-way, even though H can be inverted for 1/2 of all possible hash values y, namely, those which begin with 0. The reason this doesn’t violate the definition of one-wayness is that only 2n values of m map to hash values that begin with 0, and all the rest map to values that begin with 1. Since we are assuming M∣≫∣H, the probability that a uniformly sampled m ∈M has length exactly n is small.

With these caveats, there are some obvious relationships between these definitions that can be made precise once the definitions are made similarly precise.

Claim 1 If h is strong collision-free, then h is weak collision-free.

Proof: (Sketch) Suppose h is not weak collision-free. We show that it is not strong collision-free by showing how to enumerate colliding message pairs. The method is straightforward: Pick a random message m ∈ M. Try to find a colliding message m. If we succeed in finding such an m, then output the colliding pair (m,m). If not, try again with another randomly-chosen message. Since h is not weak collision-free, we will succeed on a significant number of the messages, so we will succeed in generating a succession of colliding pairs. How fast the pairs are enumerated depends on how often the algorithm for finding a colliding message succeeds and how fast it is.

These parameters in turn may depend on how large M is relative to H. It is always possible that h is one-to-one on some subset U of elements in M, so not every message even necessarily has a colliding partner. However, an easy counting argument shows that U has size at most H∣- 1. Since we assume M∣≫∣H, the probability that a randomly-chosen message from M lies in U is correspondingly small. __

In a similar vein, we argue that strong collision-free also implies one-way.

Claim 2 If h is strong collision-free, then h is one-way.

Proof: (Sketch) Suppose h is not one-way. Then there is an algorithm A(y) for finding m such that h(m) = y, and A(y) succeeds with significant probability when y is chosen randomly with probability proportional to the size of its preimage. Assume that A(y) returns to indicate failure.

The following randomized algorithm enumerates a sequence of colliding pairs:

1. Choose random m.
2. Compute y = h(m).
3. Compute m= A(y).
4. If m⁄=and m⁄=mthen output (m,m).
5. Start over at step 1.

Each iteration of this algorithm succeeds with significant probability ɛ that is the product of the probability that A(y) succeeds on y and the probability that m⁄=m. The latter probability is at least 1/2 except for those values m which lie in the set of U of messages on which h is one-to-one (defined in the proof of claim 1). Thus, assuming M∣≫∣H, the algorithm outputs each colliding pair in expected number of iterations that is at most only slightly larger than 1∕ɛ. __

These same ideas can be used to show that weak collision-free implies one-way, but now one has to be more careful with the precise definitions.

Claim 3 If h is weak collision-free, then h is one-way.

Proof: (Sketch) Suppose as before that h is not one-way, so there is an algorithm A(y) for finding m such that h(m) = y, and A(y) succeeds with significant probability when y is chosen randomly with probability proportional to the size of its preimage. Assume that A(y) returns to indicate failure. We want to show this implies that the weak collision-free property does not hold, that is, there is an algorithm that, for a significant number of m ∈M, succeeds with non-negligible probability in finding a colliding m. We claim the following algorithm works:

Given input m:
1. Compute y = h(m).
2. Compute m= A(y).
3. If m⁄=and m⁄=mthen output (m,m) and halt.
4. Otherwise, start over at step 1.

This algorithm fails to halt for m ∈ U, but we have argued above that the number of such m is small (= insignificant) when M∣≫∣H. It may also fail even when a colliding partner mexists if it happens that the value returned by A(y) is m. (Remember, A(y) is only required to return some preimage of y; we can’t say which.) However, corresponding to each such bad case is another one in which the input to the algorithm is minstead of m. In this latter case, the algorithm succeeds, since y is the same in both cases. With this idea, we can show that the algorithm succeeds in finding a colliding partner on at least half of the messages in M- U. __