CS 470 - Spring 2020.


Welcome to CS 470!

Video of the Day

The Chinese Room in action

Poll of the Day

What is the smartest computer program with which you have intertacted?

https://pollev.com/cs470 You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.

Lecture : Intelligent Agents. 1/24/2020


  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, Room 014 AKW. Also, I invite students to join me for lunch in a residential college after class on Wednesdays.

  • ULA office hours have begun. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza.

    If you're thinking of taking CPSC 470, please do the following.

  • AI Talk Monday, January 27 at 4pm

    Lecture: Intelligent Agents

  • Slides: 2019 Intelligent Agents These slides are from Professor Scassellati.
  • Eliza in emacs: meta-x doctor Weisenbaum paper (1966) Run: python3 eliza.py (uses: doctor.txt)
  • POMDP Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. MDP + HMM = POMDP
  • ALIVE (Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment)
  • Slides: AIMA chapter 2 uses LISP. From Russell at Berkeley. 6 up

  • jupyter notebook video tutorial Per posting on piazza.

  • agents.py agents code, from Norvig.
  • agents.ipynb agents jupyter notebook, from Norvig. You need to understand this code and its related python modules to tackle hw1. (agents.html html version.)
  • hw1.html is now available: vacuum cleaner world! hw1.ipynb (hw1nb.html html version)
    Classic Yale AI
    See 1/22 lecture.

  • CS 470 Thought Experiment Please complete. The purpose of this is to get you thinking about the topics, not to find the correct answer.

    Python and Jupyter Notebooks

  • Google Python Class
  • Notes on Google Python Class

    Once you have a foundation in python from the google class, you should tackle the following topics, needed for AI programming:

  • recursion.py
  • listcomp.py list comprehensions
  • object oriented programming load: oop.py
  • stack.py stacks / data structures
  • 0117.ipynb jupyter note book to demo above files. You need to open it in jupyter in a directory containing the above python files.

    Other topics: exceptions, iterators, generators, decorators, networking, python virtual machine.

  • hw0a.ipynb This is a jupyter notebook. You need to open it in jupyter. (hw0a.html html version)