CS 470 - Spring 2020.


Welcome to CS 470!

Video of the Day

Robot Vacuum Wars

Poll of the Day

Do you have a story to tell about a vacuum robot? For example, with a pet.

https://pollev.com/cs470 You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.

Lecture : Intelligent Agents. 1/27/2020


  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, Room 014 AKW. Also, I invite students to join me for lunch in a residential college after class on Wednesdays. This week: 11:45am at Franklin.

  • ULA office hours have begun. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza.

    If you're thinking of taking CPSC 470, please do the following.

  • Reckoning and Judgment: The Promise of AI Brian Cantwell Smith, University of Toronto, AI Talk Monday, January 27 at 4pm, Whitney Humanities Center, 53 Wall Street. MIT book
    Summary: An argument that—despite dramatic advances in the field—artificial intelligence is nowhere near developing systems that are genuinely intelligent.

    In this provocative book, Brian Cantwell Smith argues that artificial intelligence is nowhere near developing systems that are genuinely intelligent. Second wave AI, machine learning, even visions of third-wave AI: none will lead to human-level intelligence and judgment, which have been honed over millennia. Recent advances in AI may be of epochal significance, but human intelligence is of a different order than even the most powerful calculative ability enabled by new computational capacities. Smith calls this AI ability “reckoning,” and argues that it does not lead to full human judgment—dispassionate, deliberative thought grounded in ethical commitment and responsible action. Taking judgment as the ultimate goal of intelligence, Smith examines the history of AI from its first-wave origins (“good old-fashioned AI,” or GOFAI) to such celebrated second-wave approaches as machine learning, paying particular attention to recent advances that have led to excitement, anxiety, and debate. He considers each AI technology's underlying assumptions, the conceptions of intelligence targeted at each stage, and the successes achieved so far. Smith unpacks the notion of intelligence itself—what sort humans have, and what sort AI aims at.

    Smith worries that, impressed by AI's reckoning prowess, we will shift our expectations of human intelligence. What we should do, he argues, is learn to use AI for the reckoning tasks at which it excels while we strengthen our commitment to judgment, ethics, and the world.

  • Machine Learning as a General Purpose Technology Avi Goldfarb, University of Toronto, Marketing Seminar, Thursday, January 30th, 11:35am - 12:50pm, 165 Whitney Avenue, 4430 Swersey Classroom.

    Lecture: Intelligent Agents

  • Slides: 2019 Intelligent Agents These slides are from Professor Scassellati.
  • Eliza in emacs: meta-x doctor Weisenbaum paper (1966) Run: python3 eliza.py (uses: doctor.txt)
  • POMDP Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. MDP + HMM = POMDP
  • ALIVE (Artificial Life Interactive Video Environment)
  • Slides: AIMA chapter 2 uses LISP. From Russell at Berkeley. 6 up

  • jupyter notebook video tutorial Per posting on piazza.

  • 0127.ipynb copy of agents notebook which will be opened (and modified) in class.
  • agents.py agents code, from Norvig.
  • agents.ipynb agents jupyter notebook, from Norvig. You need to understand this code and its related python modules to tackle hw1. (agents.html html version.)
  • hw1.html is now available: vacuum cleaner world! hw1.ipynb (hw1nb.html html version)
    Classic Yale AI
    See 1/22 lecture.

  • CS 470 Thought Experiment Please complete. The purpose of this is to get you thinking about the topics, not to find the correct answer.

    Python and Jupyter Notebooks

  • Google Python Class
  • Notes on Google Python Class

    Once you have a foundation in python from the google class, you should tackle the following topics, needed for AI programming:

  • recursion.py
  • listcomp.py list comprehensions
  • object oriented programming load: oop.py
  • stack.py stacks / data structures
  • 0117.ipynb jupyter note book to demo above files. You need to open it in jupyter in a directory containing the above python files. 0117nb.html

    Other topics: exceptions, iterators, generators, decorators, networking, python virtual machine.

  • hw0a.ipynb This is a jupyter notebook. You need to open it in jupyter. (hw0a.html html version)