CS 470 - Spring 2020.


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Video of the Day

Norvig on A*

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A robot is used to treat US man with coronavirus. How do you feel about that?

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Lecture : Search. 1/31/2020


  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, Room 014 AKW. Also, I invite students to join me for lunch in a residential college after class on Wednesdays. This week: 11:45am at Franklin.

  • ULA office hours. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza.

  • [Assignments]. hw0 due last night. stack example used for depth first search. queue example used for breadth first search. hw1 is now available.
  • hw2 will be available next week. In the mean time, you may review /c/cs470/hws/hw2/search.py code. You may ignore: bidirectional_search, EightPuzzle, PlanRoute, simulated_annealing, and_or_graph_search, OnlineDFSAGent, OnlineSEarchProblem, LRTStarAgent, Genetic Algorithm, vacuum_world, NQueensProblem, Boggle stuff. At least for now. We may look at some of these later.
  • These methods and domains may seem contrived, limited, and, yes, artificial. However, you should view them the way biologists and geneticists view Mendel's peas and fruit flies. You can derive important insights by looking at miniature domains.

    Lecture: Search

  • CS 470 Thought Experiment Apropos, given today's impeachment trial. Here we abandon our limited domains and methods and tackle actual real-world problems.
  • Goal-Based Decision Making: An Interpersonal Model, Slade, 1993, Pages: 300. (Online via Safari) (online code repository)

  • 2019 Scassellati Slides: Basic Search Informed Search
  • Stuart Russell, Berkeley Slides: AIMA chapter 3 6 up AIMA chapter 4a 6up AIMA chapter 4b 6up

  • search.ipynb search jupyter notebook, from Norvig. You need to understand this code and its related python modules to tackle hw2. See hw2nb.html for the hw2 burning building.
  • search.ipynb uses the interact command from the ipywidgets module. See interact.ipynb

  • (agents.html html version.)
  • hw1.html is now available: vacuum cleaner world! hw1.ipynb (hw1nb.html html version)
