CS 470 - Spring 2020.


Welcome to CS 470!

Video of the Day

Constraint Satisfaction early work from the London School of Economics.

Poll of the Day

What current or former Yale CS faculty members have won an Oscar or an Emmy? What is the latter's Bacon/Erdos number?

https://pollev.com/cs470 You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.

Lecture : Constraint Satisfaction / Logic. 2/10/2020


  • I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, Room 014 AKW. Also, I invite students to join me for lunch in a residential college after class on Wednesdays. This week: 11:45am at Franklin.

  • ULA office hours. See the [Contact Info and Schedule] as well as piazza.

  • [Assignments]. hw2 is now available. See /c/cs470/hws/hw2/hw2.html for jupyter notebook example. You should also review /c/cs470/hws/hw2/search.py code. You may ignore: bidirectional_search, EightPuzzle, PlanRoute, simulated_annealing, and_or_graph_search, OnlineDFSAGent, OnlineSEarchProblem, LRTStarAgent, Genetic Algorithm, vacuum_world, NQueensProblem, Boggle stuff. At least for now. We may look at some of these later.
  • hw3 has been posted. I do not plan on providing a staff solution or public tests.

    Lecture: Constraint Satisfaction / Logic

  • Readings: chapter 6
  • 2019 Scassellati Slides: Constraint Satisfaction
  • Min-conflicts algorithm used by Hubble Space Telescope
  • Stuart Russell, Berkeley Slides: AIMA chapter 7 logical agents 6up

  • csp.ipynb csp jupyter notebook, from Norvig. (csp.py)
