CS 470 - Spring 2020.
Welcome to CS 470!
Video of the Day
Coronavirus Deep
Learning Competition Cameo appearance by Geoffrey
Hinton (Godfather of Deep Learning). Sign up here.
The prize is $3,500 allocated among the top 3 contestants. Sure, you
get to prevent a major, world-wide health pandemic, but $1,000 or so?
Not much coin. So, to increase your incentive, those of you in the CS570
track can get project credit. What a deal!
(I just checked. The deadline for submission is next Monday. I guess
they really want to wipe out this bad boy soon.
You can
use this as a project even if you do not participate in the competition.)
Corona Virus 2019 Dataset Day level information on covid-19
affected cases. (From World Health Organization, via Kaggle). Also see
Notebooks for analysis.
Poll of the Day
Below is an alphabetical list of lifetime causes of death in the
United States as of 2017. Using PollEverywhere, rank them in order of
most common to least likely.
- Cancer
- Choking on Food
- Chronic lower respiratory disease (includes flu)
- Gun assault
- Hornet, wasp and bee stings
- Lightning
- Motor Vehicle Accident
- Opiod overdose
- Suicide
You may also download the app to your phone. Use the "cs470" poll id.
virus vs flu In the U.S. alone, the flu has already caused an
estimated 26 million illnesses, 250,000 hospitalizations and 14,000
deaths this season, according to the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC).
Lecture : Uncertainty. 2/24/2020
I have office hours Wednesdays from 4-6 pm, Room 014 AKW. Also,
I invite students to join me for lunch in a residential college
after class on Wednesdays. Not this week! Microsoft AI Talks instead.
ULA office hours. See the
[Contact Info and
Schedule] as well as piazza.
hw4 has been posted. However, it will not be graded and you do not
submit it. It is meant to prepare you for questions on the midterm exam.
Here are the answers to hw4.
Microsoft Research AI Presentations Feb 26, 12-2pm, AKW 200
(see notice below.)
Midterm Exam: Monday, March 2nd, 10:30am
The exam is next Monday, in class. It will comprise true/false
and short answer questions. You will not be asked to write
code. You may be asked to read Python code. The first 11
chapters of the textbook are in scope.
- Agents and Environments. (Chapters 1-2, hw1)
- Search. (Chapters 3-4, hw2)
- Game Playing (Chapter 5, hw3 but really minimax and alpha-beta pruning)
- Constraint Satisfaction and Logic (Chapters 6-9, hw4)
- Planning (Chapters 10-11, but not 12)
The exam will not be open book. As I stated on piazza:
An open book test would have to be much harder. I don't lean that
way. I am not trying to make your life miserable. I just want you to
learn about AI and maybe get excited about something.
Also, I assume most of you read the book online, which is not going to
happen in an exam.
I will discuss sample exam questions in class on Wednesday and
Friday. Until then, you can only guess, which brings us to
today's topic.
Lecture: Uncertainty
Readings: chapters 13-14
2019 Scassellati Slides:
Stuart Russell, Berkeley Slides:
Quantifying Uncertainty
Bayes' Rule and
the Proof of God's Existence
Ontological Argument for the Existence of God From St. Anselm through
Kurt Gödel (using modal logic, from chapter 12).
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