Paper Review: End-to-End Packet Delay and Loss Behavior in the Internet

Reviewer: Mark Meras (mm446)

Main Contribution

This paper by J. Bolot presents a new analysis of end-to-end packet delay and loss behavior by using a "ping"-like mechanism. Bolot confirms previous work on mixing high-bandwidth, large packets with small, interactivity-intended packets. He also claims that the loss of these "ping" packets (called probes) is random in most situations.

Key Ideas

Critique of Contribution

Most of the paper does not seem suprising. Clustering of packets during loss has been studied previously. However, the randomness of packet loss in low-intensity situation is an interesting update to the solution. More importantly, it was shown that probe tools can be used to study end-to-end network characteristics.

Open Question

The question remaining is how will multimedia transmissions (such as real-time video) affect the nature of packet loss and delay on the Internet? This is yet to be studied at the time of publication.