Paper review: < Adaptive Playout Mechanisms for Packetized Audio Applications in Wide-Area Networks [RKTS94] >

Reviewer: <Ryan Gehl>

  1. State the problem the paper is trying to solve.
  2. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the performance of four different algorithms for adaptively adjusting the playout delay of audio packets in an interactive packet-audio terminal application in the face of varying network delays.

  3. State the main contribution of the paper: solving a new problem, proposing a new algorithm, or presenting a new evaluation (analysis). If a new problem, why was the problem important? Is the problem still important today? Will the problem be important tomorrow?  If a new algorithm or new evaluation (analysis), what are the improvements over previous algorithms or evaluations? How do they come up with the new algorithm or evaluation? 
  4. The main contribution of this paper is that adaptive algorithms which adjust rapidly to changing delays can achieve a lower rate of packet loss for both a given average playout delay and a given maximum buffer size.

  5. Summarize the (at most) 3 key main ideas (each in 1 sentence.) 
  6. (1) The authors present four algorithms which perform delay estimation and dynamic playout delay adaptation.
    (2) An adaptive algorithm which explicitly adjusts to the sharp, spike-like increases in packet delay which were observed in the authors' traces can achieve a lower rate of packet loss for both a given average packet delay and a given maximum buffer size.

  7. Critique the main contribution
  8. What lessons should researchers and builders take away from this work. What (if any) questions does this work leave open?

One lesson to take away from this work is that dynamic algorithms can often improve upon static algorithms.