Date Reading
01/17 K: Introduction; Chapter 4: Algorithms
01/17 M: Chapter 1: Algorithms
01/17 (Optional) V: Chapter 1: Binary Search
01/19 (Optional) V: Chapter 2: Insertion Sort
01/19 (Optional) V: Chapter 3: Fast Sorting Algorithms
01/31 K: Chapter 2: Information Representation
01/31 M: Chapter 7: Data Compression
02/07 M: Chapter 5: Error-correcting Codes
02/12 K: Chapter 5: Programming and Programming Languages (Section 5.4 (intellectual property) is optional)
02/12 K: Chapter 7: Learning to Program
02/14 (Optional) H: Chapter 1 (variables, input, and output)
02/19 (Optional) H: Chapter 2 (conditional code)
03/28 (Optional) AU: Chapter 33 (Minimum Spanning Trees)
03/28 (Optional) AU: Chapter 40 (Travelling Salesman Problem)
03/28 (Optional) AU: Chapter 38 (Bin Packing)
03/28 (Optional) AU: Chapter 3 (MergeSort and QuickSort)
04/02 K: Chapter 1 (What's In a Computer)
04/02 K: Chapter 3 (Inside the CPU)
04/00 M: Chapter 10 (What Is Computable)
04/00 K: Chapter 12 (Cryptography)
04/00 M: Chapter 4 (Public Key Cryptography)
04/00 M: Chapter 9 (Digital Signatures)


K: Brian Kernighan, Understanding the Digital World: What You Need to Know About Computers, the Internet, Privacy, and Security , Princeton University Press, 2017 [QA76 K428X 2017]

M: John MacCormick, Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future: The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers , Princeton University Press, 2012 [QA76 M21453X 2012 or Online via Orbis]

AU: Berthold Vocking, Helmut Alt, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Rudiger Reischuk, Christian Scheideler, Heribert Vollmer, and Dorothea Wagner, editors, Algorithms Unplugged , Springer, 2011 [ Free download from within the domain ]

H: Andy Harris, JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner , Course Technology PTR, 2002 [ Online via Orbis]
Last modified 04/18/18