E-Commerce: Doing Business on the Internet
CPSC 155a, Fall 2001

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Terms for Michael Kearns's Talk

Michael Kearns will be giving an invited lecture on Thursday, October 18 in class. The following is a list of terms that will be covered. More information about his talk will be posted after the lecture.

analyst estimates and reports
board seats
bridge round
business development
business plan
carried interest
cash-flow positive
drag-along rights
direct sales
dividend preference
due diligence
executive summary
financial and strategic investors
full and weighted ratchet
funding rounds
holding company
IPO (Initial Public Offering)
lead and follow-on investors
liquidation preference
M&A (Mergers and Acquistions)
OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers)
pre- and post-money valuation
reserved matters
tag-along rights
term sheet
VARs (value-added resellers)
VC fund
write-down, -up, -off