E-Commerce: Doing Business on the Internet
CPSC 155b, Spring 2003

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Notes on Exam 2

The exam will be in class on Thursday, April 24.

The exam will cover reading assignments, written assignments, lecture notes, and anything discussed from the second and third classes (January 16 and January 21) and classes held from February 25 through April 17. Thus, the following topics will be covered:

Most of this material is covered in homeworks 3-5.

The format of the exam will be just like that of the last exam [PDF]; you must choose 6 out of 7 questions, each worth 16 points for a total of 96 points, and everyone gets 4 points for free.

Professor Feigenbaum will hold a review for the exam in class on Tuesday, April 22. The TA will hold usual office hours on Monday and Wednesday afternoons this week.

An additional note: you will not have to produce XML or XrML on the exam, and you will not have to do any actual computation of venture-capital shares or investments.