E-Commerce: Doing Business on the Internet
CPSC 155b, Spring 2003

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Submitting Homeworks Electronically

Please submit all written homework assignments electronically, beginning with Homework 2. Follow the instructions below to use the Yale Classes server to do this.

Note on security warnings:

When viewing the home page / syllabus for CS155 using the Classes server, your browser will automatically jump to this webpage for the course on the Zoo. Because this page resides on a different server, your browser may warn you that the page you are trying to view has both "secure and nonsecure items." You should respond "Yes" to displaying nonsecure items. Trust us, the CS155 page does not contain malicious code. But we don't use the Classes server to host the entire website, so be prepared to see this warning.

Log into the Classes server:

  1. Access the Student Login Page at the Classes server.
  2. Enter your NetID and Password in the appropriate text boxes and click Login.

For first-time users ONLY:

  1. If this is the first time you have used the Classes server, you will now see a welcome page with your name. Check that the photo and e-mail options are correct, and scroll down to the course-selection area of the page.
  2. Select courses you would like to add to your course list. To add CS155, select "Computer Science" from the Subject drop-down list, and type "155b" in the Course Number text box.
  3. Click Finished at the bottom of the page when your are finished.
  4. You will now see a page with several frames; the top and bottom frames allow you to navigate through the Classes server system and the middle frame displays content. This is the first page you will see when you log into the Classes server in the future.

For other users, add CS155 to your course list:

  1. Once you have successfully logged in, you will see a web page with several frames. In the top frame under the Web Page, Syllabus, etc. buttons, you will find a drop-down list. Click to view the contents of the list.
  2. If "Computer Science 155b" appears in the list, you have added the course to your course list. Continue with directions for uploading below.
  3. If not, in the bottom frame to the right of the Logout link, click the Your Course List link.
  4. Scroll down the page to the Add another course section. Under Subject, choose "Computer Science" and type "155b" in the text box to the right.
  5. Click Update.
  6. The top frame should reload so that the drop-down list contains "Computer Science 155b."

Logging out of the Classes server:

Whenever you are finished using the Classes server, you should logout and close your browser window. To do this, click the red Logout link in the bottom frame. You will receive confirmation; then close your browser window.

To upload your assignment:

  1. Type your assignment and save it in one of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.doc), Text (.txt), Rich Text (.rtf), PostScript (.ps), or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf). The filename must contain no spaces. Please include your NetID and "hw2" as part of the filename and add the appropriate file extension if your are using a non-Windows machine, e.g., vr48-hw2.doc for a Word document. If you have specific questions about a format or how to convert to one of these, please e-mail the TA.
  2. Log into the Classes server as described above.
  3. Select "Computer Science 155b" from the drop-down list of courses.
  4. Click the blue Upload link in the top frame.
  5. Enter the full path to your assignment in the text box, or click Browse and select the file you saved in the box that pops up.
  6. Click the Upload button at the bottom of the page.
  7. You should receive confirmation that your file was uploaded.

Changing your assignment:

  1. If you wish to re-submit your homework before the deadline, you must change the filename of your assignment; e.g., change vr48-hw2.doc to vr48-hw2-2.doc.
  2. Follow the procedure above to upload the new file. The file will be marked with the date and time of submission. We will use the most recent file.