The Internet: Co-Evolution of Technology and Society
CPSC 156a, Fall 2003

HW3: Digital music

1a.  Logistics

1b.  Instructions

The popular-music distribution business is widely believed to be in trouble.  Traditional business models, most notably sales of CD albums, are not as profitable as they once were, and major-label record companies have not (yet) managed to build successful new business models using Internet-based distribution.  The purpose of this assignment is for your to think constructively and/or analytically about popular-music distribution in the Internet age.

Write a three-page essay in which you propose a "solution" to the ongoing troubles in the mainstream popular-music distribution business.  Approaches that you may take in this essay include but are not limited to:

2.  Requirements

Prepare your essay using Word or whatever text editor your prefer.  If you need to submit any "related" files in addition to this text file, combine all files using WinZip or whatever compression program you used in HW1 and HW2.  Submit either your text file or your zip file using the same instructions that you used in HW1 and HW2.