The Internet: Co-Evolution of Technology and Society
CPSC 156a, Fall 2003

HW5: Internet Security

1.  Logistics

2.  Introduction

The purpose  of this assignment is to raise your awareness of the basic fact that you put your computer at risk when you connect it to a network.  For example, there may be traffic directed at your machine from elsewhere on the network that can have undesired effects, and there may be programs running on your machine that are doing things you are unaware of (including, in some circumstances, sending sensitive information from your machine to other machines on the network).

Two of the tools you will use in this assignment are Zone Alarm and Shield's Up.  You should read about them before actually doing the assignment, which is explained in detail in steps 0-16 in Section 3 below.  You may also want to read the following general overview of firewalls. 

3.  Instructions

  1. As Morrow Long explained in his Nov. 13 lecture, it is good practice to keep back-up copies of your most important files on memory-keys, CDs, floppies, or some other offline store.  Back-up is a particularly important thing to do before you begin a network-security exercise.  So make back-up copies now of the up to date versions of your most important files. 
  2. If you are currently running a personal firewall, please disable or uninstall it.  If you have questions about how to re-enable or re-install it after you have finished HW5, contact TA Wesley Maness before disabling or uninstalling it.
  3. If KaZaA is currently installed on your machine, uninstall it.  To uninstall KaZaA:
    1. Bring up your Control Panel by selecting Start -> Control Panel, for Win XP, or Start -> Settings -> Control Panel, for Win NT and Win 2000.
    2. Select "Add/Remove Programs" from the Control Panel.
    3. Scroll down the list of programs, select "KaZaA Media Desktop" and press the "Change/Remove" button. 
    4. Follow the onscreen prompts to uninstall KaZaA.
    5. Uninstall should be complete.
    6. Remove Kazaa-related adware and spyware by following the instructions in step 17 below.
  4. Download Zone Labs ZoneAlarm
    1. Open a browser and goto
    2. Click on 'Download & Buy' from the left-hand side column.
    3. Scroll down, and click on 'Trial Version'
    4. You should now see 'ZoneAlarm Pro Version 4.0' in your browser
    5. Click on 'Click here to begin your download (English Version) and save to your disk'
  5. Install ZoneAlarm
    1. Double-click and run the *setup*.exe file that you just downloaded in step 3.
    2. We recommend that you not give your real email address or name when running the install.
    3. You will also be asked a few User-survey questions.  These are optional; just press the Finish button.
    4. Restart Windows.  Install is complete.
  6. Configuration: After restart you will be prompted with a 'License Wizard' window; just press 'TRY'.
    1. Press 'Next' in the 'Configuration Wizard' window.
    2. In the 'Privacy Control' window, you can select 'privacy control' and/or 'cache cleanup'.  You may do so if you wish, but these are not needed for HW5.  Press 'Next'.
    3. In the 'Firewall Alerts' window, you can select when to receive alerts and what type of alerts to receive; the default of 'hacker activity' should suffice. Press 'Next'.
    4. There is no need to create a password.  Press 'Finish'.
    5. You will then be presented with the window 'Do You Want ZoneAlarm to Preconfigure Access Permission'.  Leave it at 'No'.  This ensures that, when you launch an application that needs to connect to the Internet (e.g., Internet Explorer or AIM), ZoneAlarms will allow you  to connect to the Internet for that particular application.
    6. Feel free to run the 'Tutorial'.
  7. Now use your Internet connection!  Run IE or AIM or a chat application or anything else.  You should get a prompt window from ZoneAlarm asking for your permission to allow a network connection for each application that you use.  Give permission. 
  8. Perform your first Internet Vulnerability Assessment by using GRC's Shields Up!
    1. Open a browser and goto
    2. Click on the 'Shields Up!' Image.
    3. Scroll down and click on the ShieldsUP! link
    4. Press the 'Proceed' button
    5. Click on the Common Ports button to perform a 'Common Ports' scan.
      1. Scroll down and read the results. 
      2. Are there any ports open?  If so, then, for each open port, give a reason that it is open.
      3. Save this HTML file by selecting File -> Save As from your browser.
  9. Download KaZaA: (These steps can be done while running ZoneAlarm)
    1. Open a browser and goto
    2. Follow the 'Download Free' links and save kmd.exe to your local disk. (There is also an Ad-Free version of KaZaA that one can pay for.  For the purposes of this assignment, use the Free version.)
  10. Install KaZaA: (These steps should done while running ZoneAlarm.)
    1. Double-click the kmd.exe file you downloaded.
    2. Follow the on-screen prompts from the KaZaA Installer. (During the install of KaZaA, you will be prompted by ZoneAlarm quite a few times.  It is necessary to answer 'yes' to all of these Internet requests.)
  11. Run KaZaA: (Press the Launch KMD button once the Install is complete.)
    1. Create a username for this onetime usage of KaZaA.
    2. Use KaZaA to search for a few items.
  12. Perform your second Internet Vulnerability Assessment by using GRC's Shields Up! while running KaZaA.
    1. Open a browser and goto
    2. Click on the 'Shields Up!' Image.
    3. Scroll down and click on the ShieldsUP! link.
    4. Press the 'Proceed' button.
    5. Click on the Common Ports button to perform a 'Common Ports' scan.
      1. Scroll down and read the results. 
      2. Are there any ports open?  If so, then, for each open port, give a reason that it is open.  Compare these results to those found in step 7.5.2.  Are there any differences?  If there are no differences, explain why there are none.  If there are differences, then, for each one, give a reason that this port is open now but wasn't in 7.5.2 or vice versa.
      3. Save this HTML file by selecting File -> Save As from your browser.
  13. After you have completed steps 0-11, save the log file that ZoneAlarm has generated.   To find out where your log file is stored, bring up the 'Zone Alarm Control Center' Window and select 'Alerts & Logs'.  Press the 'Advanced' button and select the 'Log Control' tab; you should see the location of your log file.  Make sure to save the log file somewhere other than in the ZoneAlarm subdirectory structure.  We suggest that you save your log file in your "My Documents" folder.
  14. Disable ZoneAlarm if you no longer want it running on your machine by right clicking on the ZoneAlarm icon in the Systems Icon Tray.
  15. Disable KaZaA if you no longer want it running on your machine.
  16. Using your Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs, uninstall the following if you no longer want them:
    1. KaZaA Media Desktop (Also press the 'Uninstall P2P Networking' button when prompted.)
    2. P2P Networking (if not removed in the step above)
    3. Peer Points Manager (if not removed in step above)
    4. ZoneAlarm Pro
  17. Re-enable or re-install your personal firewall if necessary.
  18. In many cases, KaZaA will install adware and spyware components to your machine without your knowledge. These components are, in most cases, not removable via the Windows Control Panel. It is recommended that you download and install Ad-aware 6.0.
    1. Open a browser and goto
    2. Click on 'Download Now' and save to disk.
    3. Double-click the exe you downloaded to install.
    4. Follow the on-screen prompts to install Ad-aware 6.0.
    5. Once installed, run Ad-aware 6.0 and do a full system scan.
    6. Once the full system scan completes, press 'Fix Selected Problems' to fix the adware and spyware components found by Ad-aware 6.0.
    7. Unistall of KaZaA and all of its associated components should now be complete.
    8. To uninstall Ad-aware 6.0, simply go to your Windows Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs and select Ad-aware 6.0 from the list.

4.  Requirements

In each group, the person whose computer is being used should submit the assignment on behalf of the whole group.  Your answers to the questions about open ports in 7.5.2 and 11.5.2 of Section 3 should be in one text file, along with the names of the three people in the group, prepared with WORD or whatever text editor you are most comfortable with.  You should also have three other files once you have finished steps 0 through 17: one HTML file saved in 7.5.3, one HTML file saved in 11.5.3, and one log file saved in 12.

Combine these 4 files using WinZip or whichever compression program you have used in previous assignments, and then submit the zip file using the same instructions that you used in HW1 - HW4.