CPSC 200 Tutorial: Submitting Homework Remotely This is meant to be a brief guide to remotely submitting homework for CPSC 200. 1. Copying a local version of your homework to the zoo server. In a terminal window, use the command ‘cd /path/to/homework’, to change directories to where your homework files are located. You can use the command ‘ls’ to see the contents of your current directory, and the command ‘pwd’ to display your current directory. Once you are in the directory with your homework files run the following command: ‘scp filename(s) netid@node.zoo.cs.yale.edu:~/cs200’ If you have multiple files to copy, list them on the command line separated by a space. The ‘scp’ command stands for secure copy and transfers files to the specified account. The ‘~/cs200’ directs the files to the cs200 directory on your zoo account. 2. Logging into the zoo from your laptop. In a terminal window, use the following command to log into the zoo: ‘ssh netid@node.zoo.cs.yale.edu’ Then use the command ‘cd cs200’ to move into your cs200 directory. Use ‘ls’ to verify that your homework files were successfully copied in step 1. 3. Running the submit script Run the following command to submit your homework: ‘/home/classes/cs200/bin/submit 0 filename(s)’ For future assignments, replace the ‘0’ with whichever number assignment you are submitting. Run the following command to check that your homework was submitted successfully: ‘/home/classes/cs200/bin/check 0’ For each file you submitted, you should see a line resembling the following: ‘-rw-r----- 1 netid cs200 1786 Jan 22 23:05 hw0.py’