Using autograde (1/27/2015) You can test your code against the "public" test cases (the ones included in the assignment) using the autograde program, which can be run from your Zoo account as described below. This will show whether your procedures are giving correct answers for the public test cases. When your assignment is graded, there will be additional "private" test cases, so it is important to test your procedures *more thoroughly* than just running them on the public test cases. However, be assured that when you run autograde, there is no effect on the grading of your work -- it is purely to help you test your procedures. Usage: /home/classes/cs201/bin/autograde --test [] [] NOTE: - If no probnum is specified, all problems will be tested. - The autograde assumes the homework rkt file is named hw.rkt. - If the second argument is not a number, the program will assume you do not specify the probnum, and take the second argument as a directory. Examples: autograde --test 1 will test all the problems of homework 1 using hw1.rkt in your current directory. autograde --test 1 ~/cs201 will test all the problems of homework 1 using hw1.rkt in directory ~/cs201 autograde --test 1 4 will test problem 4 of homework 1 using hw1.rkt in your current directory. You can redirect the output of the autograde program to a file named results.txt as follows: autograde --test 1 > results.txt You can look at the file results.txt, or you can grep for wrong answers with: grep "WRONG" results.txt Note that the first test, to return the number of hours you report, is not "wrong". You should make sure hours is defined to be a number other than 0 in order to get 1 point of credit when the assignment is graded.