8/28 |
Homework #0:
It is due online via
at 11:59 Wednesday, September 11th.
It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw0.rkt from your
Zoo account.
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw0_rkt.zo.
Information on using the Zoo machines:
Zoo tutorial. The
CS 201 youtube channel includes hw0
videos that walk you through setting up racket, getting started in
DrRacket, tackling hw0, and submitting files on the zoo. However, we
are using gradescope for submitting homeworks, so you can ignore the zoo
submit process.
In addition, complete the
online canvas hw0 collaboration quiz on academic honesty and collaboration policy. It counts for 10 points.
9/4 |
Homework #1:
It is due online via
at 11:59 Wednesday, September 18th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw1.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw1_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw1 videos that walk you through hw1, including lists, list recursion, binary and hexadecimal numbers, optional arguments,
lambda functions, power set and factoring.
9/16 |
Homework #2:
It is due online via
at 11:59 Wednesday, September 25th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw2.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw2_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw2 videos that discuss tree recursion.
9/23 |
Homework #3:
It is due online via
at 11:59 Wednesday October 2nd.
Extension for hw3 to Wednesday October 9th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw3.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw3_rkt.zo. Note: the solution does not include answers to the Turing Machines
you are asked to write, such as tm-sort or tm-reverse.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw3 videos that discuss Turing Machines.
10/7 |
Homework #4:
It is due online via gradescope,
at 11:59 Monday, October 21st.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw4.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw4_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw4 videos