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Homework #0:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Monday, January 27th.
It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw0.rkt from your
Zoo account.
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw0_rkt.zo.
Information on using the Zoo machines:
Zoo tutorial. The CS 201 youtube channel includes hw0 videos that walk you through setting up racket, getting started in DrRacket, tackling hw0,
and submitting files on the zoo.
1/22 |
Homework #1:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday, February 12th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw1.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw1_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw1 videos that walk you through hw1, including lists, list recursion, binary and hexadecimal numbers, optional arguments,
lambda functions, power set and factoring.
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Homework #2:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday, February 19th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw2.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw2_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw2 videos that discuss tree recursion.
2/10 |
Homework #3:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday,February 26th
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw3.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw3_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw3 videos that discuss Turing Machines.
Provisional Assignment Dates | |
2/26 |
Homework #4:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday, March 26th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw4.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw4_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw4 videos
3/5 |
Homework #5:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday, April 2nd.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw5.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw5_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw5 videos
3/7 |
Homework #6:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday, April 16th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw6.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw6_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw6 videos
4/2 |
Homework #7:
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Wednesday, April 23rd.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw7.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw7_rkt.zo.
The CS 201 youtube channel includes
hw7 videos
4/16 |
Homework #8:
This is an optional assignment. It can replace a lower homework grade.
It is due online via gradescope
at 11:59 Monday May 5th.
(It is also available in /c/cs201/hws/hw8.rkt from your
Zoo account.)
A compiled staff solution is available as well in that directory as hw8_rkt.zo, not including the experiments.