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Programming Assignments | Examples and Notes

Instructor: James R. Glenn, Ph.D.
Office: AKW 013
Office Phone: TBD
Office Hours: Mon 5:30-6:30pm and Tue 4:00-6:00pm, or by appointment, or drop by and see if I'm in
e-mail: [first name][dot][last name]@yale.edu

TF and ULA Hours: See Piazza

Course Home Page:
Piazza Page: https://piazza.com/yale/fall2017/cpsc223/home

Class Meeting: Lecture Mon, Wed 11:35am – 12:50pm in DL 220

Prerequisites: CPSC 201 or equivalent

Recommended Texts:

All are available as ebooks through the Yale Library; you will need to use the Yale VPN to access from an off-campus network.

Other Resources:

Catalog Description:
Topics include programming in C; data structures (arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees, heaps, graphs); sorting and searching; storage allocation and management; data abstraction; programming style; testing and debugging; writing efficient programs.

Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to

Academic Dishonesty:
Please see Yale College's Undergraduate Regulations and Definitions of Plagiarism, Cheating, and Documentation of Sources.

The implications for this course:


Schedule (subject to change):

Week of Topics Reading
C = C in a Nutshell, LU = Learning the Unix Operating System, UN = Unix in a Nutshell, DS = Data Structures in C, A = CPSC 223 Notes from Prof. Aspnes
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri

In-class Exams:

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