Exercise 12: Heapsort




Heap Functions (heapsort.c)

The heap_reheap_up function is intended to be used when a new element $x$ is added at the last leaf or when an element $x$ is changed to a value larger than its previous value. The function is passed the index where that new or modified element $x$ is in the array. In these situations, the array passed to heap_reheap_up satisfies the max-heap property everywhere except possibly between $x$ and the parent of $x$ (if there is one). The function restores the max-heap order property by starting at $x$ and, if $x$ is not the root and is larger than its parent, swapping $x$ with its parent. The process then continues at the location $x$ was swapped into. The process stops when $x$ is not greater than its parent or has been moved to the root.

Complete the heap_reheap_down function so that it restores the max-heap order property in an array-based max-heap. At the beginning of the function, the elements in the array will obey the max-heap order except possibly at one element $x$ and any children of $x$ – this would be the situation after the value of $x$ was decreased or when the last element $x$ is moved to the root to fill the hole created when removing the maximum element.

To restore the max-heap order property when it is violated, heap_reheap_down should start at $x$ and swap $x$ with its largest child. The process then continues at the location where $x$ was swapped to, stopping when there is no longer a violation of the order property – when $x$ has no children or is larger than all its children.

The heapsort function then uses heap_reheap_up and heap_reheap_down to sort the array passed to it. First, it repeatedly calls heap_reheap_up to add each element to the array to create a heap. Second, it repeatedly removes the largest element from the heap, replaces that element with the element in the last leaf, and calls heap_reheap_down to restore the order property. The elements are then removed in reverse order and are added back to the array starting at the end and going backwards to put them in sorted order. Since there are $n-1$ calls to each of heap_reheap_up and heap_reheap_down and each call takes $O(\log n)$ time, the overall running time of heapsort is $O(n \log n)$. (You can also use heap_reheap_down working from the end of the array forward in the first step, which reduces the time for the first step to $O(n)$; since the second step still takes $O(n \log n)$ time, then overall running time is still $O(n \log n)$, but with a smaller constant hidden by the $O$.)

Unit Tests and TSP

Unit tests for the heap functions are implemented in heap_unit.c. Your makefile must include a target HeapUnit that is built from the unit tests and your heapsort.c. The resulting program will take a command-line argument to select the function to test (-sort, -up, or -down, an index into an array, and the elements to put in the array). The elements in the array should be specified starting with the root and going left to right within each successive level of the heap. The index gives the location in the array of the only violation of the max-heap order property.

There are two places in the implementation of the TSP program that sort: the initialize_city_database function sorts the array of cities and their locations by city code, and the route_greedy sorts pairs of cities in order of increasing distance. These two functions have been modified to use heapsort instead of merge_sort.

You will need your implementation of union_find and lugraph in order for the given implementation of route_greedy in the TSP executable to work, although you may modify that implementation so that it does not use one or both of those modules as long as you don't change the call to heapsort that sorts the city pairs in order of increasing distance.


heap contains 15 12 6 9 4 1 3 2 20; swap 20,9 then 20,12 then 20,15
heap_reheap_up example
heap contains 12 15 16 9 4 1 3 2 5; swap 12,16
heap_reheap_down example
(base) [jrg94@cicada code]$ ./HeapUnit -up 8 15 12 6 9 4 1 3 2 20
(base) [jrg94@cicada code]$ ./HeapUnit -down 0 12 15 16 9 4 1 3 2 5
(base) [jrg94@cicada code]$ ./HeapUnit -sort X 3 9 1 15 6 12 5 2 4
(base) [jrg94@cicada code]$ ./TSP -greedy sea_6_dal.in
 -greedy:   9711.84 SEA IAH DAL MCI STL DCA BWI YVR SEA


Submit as assignment 12 your modified heapsort.c, your completed union_find.c from Exercise 6 (if necessary), your completed lugraph.c from Exercise 11 (if necessary), your tsp.c if you modified it, any other files you created, your makefile, and your log. Your makefile should have the TSP executable as the default target and HeapUnit as an additional target. You need not submit the heapsort.h header file, or any of the other supporting files (and if you do, they will be ignored).