Assignment #0: Hello, world



Write a program in a single file called hello.c (case-sensitive) that prints Hello, world! as the first line of output. Note that that first line contains a single space to delimit the words and a newline character at the end. It is also case- and punctuation-sensitive. You may output anything or nothing after the first line.


[jrg94@giraffe Hello]$ ./Hello
Hello, world!

I only used 16 gallons of clethodim mixture to kill the wavyleaf
basketgrass on my property, down from 40 in 2021.  I take that
as a sign that I am winning the battle to eradicate it from
my woods.


Submit just your hello.c file and your log. Your log need not contain a statement of major difficulties for this assignment. You also need not submit a makefile; there is one copied from /c/cs223/hw0/Optional that will work to build your program as long as you have followed the instructions above about naming your C source code file.

If you get an error message unknown student yourNetID then the Zoo hasn't caught up with your registration in the class. You can self-register on the Zoo with the command sudo register cs223.

[jrg94@scorpion Hello]$ /c/cs223/bin/submit 0 hello.c log
[jrg94@scorpion Hello]$ /c/cs223/bin/testit 0 Hello
Copying makefile
Executing /home/classes/cs223/Hwk0/test.Hello

Public test script for Hello (08/31/2021)

***** Checking for warning messages *****
Making -B ./Hello
gcc -o Hello -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -g hello.c

Each test is either passed or failed; there is no partial credit.

To execute the test labelled IJ, type one of the following commands
depending on whether the file /c/cs223/hw0/Tests/tIJ is executable or not
     ./Hello < /c/cs223/hw0/Tests/tIJ
The answer expected is in /c/cs223/hw0/Tests/tIJ.out.

PASSED  001. First Line
PASSED  002. Do not crash

           Tests: 2 points

               Deductions for Violating Specification (0 => no violation)

End of Public Script

  2 points Total for Hello

           Possible Deductions (assessed later as appropriate)
               -10 Deficient style (comments, identifiers, formatting, ...)
                -5 Does not make
                -5 Makefile missing
                -5 Makefile incorrect
                -1 Log file incorrectly named
                -1 Log file lacks estimated time
                -1 Log file lacks total time
                -1 Log file lacks statement of major difficulties

***** Checking log file *****
Estimate: 0:01 ESTIMATE
Total: 0:05 TOTAL time spent

***** Checking makefile *****