Assignment 6: Path Length



graph of 2x3 sliding puzzle states
Directed graph of possible configurations for a 2x3 sliding tiles puzzle. The red path is the shortest solution starting with the tiles arranged ${5\_2 \over 143}$.
full adder using NOR gates
A full adder built using NOR gates, and the longest path from the inputs to the outputs in terms of number of gates traversed.
Source: Wikipedia user Trex4321 via Wikipedia

In general, there can be many simple paths (paths with no repeated vertices) in a graph between any pair of vertices. In many applications, we are interested in the extremes, for example the simple paths with the most or fewest edges. For example, we can represent the states of a puzzle as vertices in a graph, with a directed edge if it is possible to move from one state to another in a single step; the path with the fewest edges from the vertex representing the initial state of the puzzle to the vertex representing the goal state then represents the solution with the fewest steps. And in a graph representing a combinational circuit with vertices representing inputs, outputs, and logic gates, and edges representing connections between those inputs, outputs, and gates, the longest simple path plays a large role in determining how fast the circuit can produce its output.


Complete a program called Paths that will read the number of vertices and a list of the edges in a directed graph from a file and will compute and display the lengths of the shortest or longest simple paths between pairs of vertices. The name of the file to read and which paths to compute will be given as command-line arguments. For example, if the file contains
0 1
0 2
0 3
2 1
3 2
3 1
4 0
4 5
5 0
5 4
then running ./Paths -shortest 4 1 -longest 4 1 -shortest 0 1 -longest 0 1 should result in the following output:
[jrg94@tick ~]$ ./Paths -shortest 4 1 -longest 4 1 -shortest 0 1 -longest 0 1
-shortest:   4 ~>   1: 2
 -longest:   4 ~>   1: 5
-shortest:   0 ~>   1: 1
 -longest:   0 ~>   1: 3

The Paths executable

The paths.c from /c/cs223/hw6/Optional contains a main that handles input and output, relying on an implementation of a directed graph ADT in the ldigraph module to compute the lengths of shortest and longest simple paths. You should not need to modify this file. There is also a makefile in that directory that you may use to build the executable.

Implementing the ADT

In order for the code in paths.c to work, you must complete the adjacency-list implementation of the directed graph ADT in the ldigraph.c file from /c/cs223/hw6/Optional/. You will have to complete the digraph_bfs function that is called by digraph_shortest_path and also complete the digraph_longest_path function. The latter function should call modified versions of digraph_dfs in order to topologically sort the graph if possible. If the topological sort is possible, then the longest path between the two given vertices can be found in $O(n+m)$ time by dynamic programming. Otherwise, you should use another modified version of digraph_dfs to find the longest simple path by finding every possible simple path between the given vertices.

Your functions must execute in the following worst-case asymptotic time bounds.

As usual, the time bounds assume that malloc and free run in $O(1)$ time.

Your implementation of the search functions may assume that there is enough heap space available to allocate a constant amount of space per node in the graph for a reasonable constant.


User input is handled by the provided paths.c, so you needn't worry about these details except to create your own test cases.

Graph specification

Command-line arguments



Submit your completed ldigraph.c and any other source code you created or modified that is necessary to build the Paths executable. If you did not modify the files from /c/cs223/hw6/Optional then you need not submit them. Your makefile can assume that those supporting files have been copied into the current directory, but should not assume they are still in their original locations.