
Problem 1: Show that 3SATPVERTEX_COVER by showing how to, given a 3-CNF formula ϕ, construct a graph G and pick an integer k so that ϕ has a satisfying assignment if and only if G has a vertex cover of size at most k. (For your own benefit, prove that your G and k have that property.)

Problem 2: HAMILTONIAN-PATH (HP: the problem of, given an undirected graph G, determining whether G has a Hamiltonian path) is NP-complete. But perhaps the problem becomes easier if we give ourselves a little wiggle room. Consider APPROX-HP, which is the problem of, given an undirected, connected graph G, determining if G has a path that visits n1 vertices exactly once and the other vertex at least once, but traverses no edge more than once. Prove that this modified problem is not in fact any easier: APPROX-HP is NP-complete (here we do want the proof that whatever construction you come up with does in fact work).

Problem 3: FIND-HAMILTONIAN-PATH (FHP) is the problem of, given an undirected graph G, returning a Hamiltonian path in G, or nil if no such path exists. Prove that FHP and HP are in some sense equivalently difficult: there is a polynomial time algorithm for FHP if and only if there is a polynomial time algorithm for HP. Prove this by showing a) that HPPFHP; b) FHPPHP by writing a polynomial-time algorithm for FHP that uses a solution to HP as a subroutine (counting a use of that subroutine as 1 step); and c) that your algorithm for (b) is correct by writing the invariant for it.