CPSC 367: Cryptography and Computer SecurityHandout #6
Professor M. J. Fischer   February 18, 2019


Homework Assignment 5

Due: Tuesday, March 5, 2019

The goal of this assignment is to explore the method of brute force attack on a cryptosystem to get a better feeling for what it can and cannot do.

Both parts use the computer. The first part involves some C++ programming. The second part involves running some experiments on your code. You should start now in order to have sufficient time to finish the assignment by the deadline. Remember to cite your sources.

1 SnakeOil

This problem set refers to Happy Hacker’s SnakeOil cryptosystem described in Homework Assignment 3 ((.pdf).

Happy boasted that he only had to remember the pair of key indices since everything else was stored on his hard disk. Unfortunately, this was too much for Happy. He forgot the correct pair of key indices and so was unable to decrypt a message he received from Alice.

Clever Charlie told him not to worry. His system was easily compromised by anyone with access to the key share file. A program could be written to brute force the possible key pairs, and the computer could be decrypting Alice’s message while they went out for pizza.

Sure enough, when they returned, Alice’s message was displayed on the screen.

2 A Brute Force Attack on SnakeOil

For Happy’s problem, a brute force attack decrypts Alice’s ciphertext c for every possible key index pair (ki,kj) (0 i < j < 100) in Happy’s key file until the correct pair is found. The principal difficulty is automatically recognizing the correct decryption once it has been found. How can one distinguish the correct decryption from the wrong one?

In general one cannot, but if some messages are more likely than others, then some decryptions of c will “look more like a valid message” than others. The attacker chooses the decryption mof c that looks most like a valid message and guesses that it is the real message m. It also guesses that the key index pair k= (ki,kj) that produced it is the real key pair.

The guessed mand kwill not always be correct. If mis correct, we say the attack succeeds in breaking the cryptosystem. If in addition kis correct, we say that the attack totally breaks the cryptosystem. Otherwise, the attack fails. We are interested in exploring how well this attack can be made to work in practice.

2.1 Letter Frequencies

Clever’s method for choosing mrelies on the letter frequencies of English text. Assume Alice’s message is in English and you have a large corpus of representative English text. Then the corpus and Alice’s message are likely to have a similar letter frequency distributions. Assume further that a decryption of c using a randomly chosen incorrect index pair kyields a random-looking string mwith more or less uniform distribution of the letters. If c is sufficiently long, then very likely the correct decryption m is the only one whose letter frequency distribution closely resembles that of the corpus.

2.2 Measuring Similarity

For each octet (8-bit byte) b, let f(b) be the frequency of occurrence of b in a corpus of English text. Let r = bf(b) be the total size of the corpus. Then the normalized frequency p(b) = f(b)∕r is a close estimate of the probability that an arbitrary byte in a random piece of English text is equal to b. Similarly, let qm(b) be the normalized frequency of b in message m.

We measure the (dis)similarity of p and qm by the sum of the squares of the difference at each byte of their normalized frequencies. That is, we define

                 ∑               2
divergence(p,q) =   (p(b)- qm(b)) .

We compute the divergence between p and qm for each possible decryption m of the ciphertext c. We then choose the decryption m (and corresponding key) that minimizes the divergence.

3 SnakeOil Implementation on the Zoo

You will find a C++ implementation of SnakeOil on the Zoo in directory /c/cs367/assignments/hw5/src/. You can compile a snakeoil executable by copying the files to your own directory and typing make snakeoil.

You will also find a partially-written brute force key analyzer, complete with routines for reading and normalizing frequency tables. However, it is missing two key functions: guessKey() and divergence(), so it will give compiler errors if you try to build it.

SnakeOil is written to use the botan-2 crypto library, which is already installed on the Zoo. The supplied Makefile contains the compiler switches needed to access the botan-2 includes and library.

4 Assignment

Please solve the two problems below.


You should modify analyze.cpp by writing code bodies for the two missing functions. Type make bruteforce to compile the modified brute force analyzer, and test it on the file sample.enc. It was encrypted using the furnished keyshares file and key indices 4 and 31.

You should not have to write more than 50 lines of C++ code to complete the brute force analyzer. Of course, you will need to read and understand my code in order to see how your code fits in.

I realize that some of you might not be very familiar with C++, so please feel free to ask the TA or me for help.


You will find several files in the Zoo directory /c/cs367/assignments/hw5/data/. Files ending in .dat are corpora of English text from which frequency tables are derived. Files ending in .enc are ciphertexts. The file keyshares is the key share file that was used in all of the encryptions. All ciphertexts are valid encryptions of English-language text files, but not all are easy to decipher.

You should run your brute force key finder with every pair of frequency table and ciphertext file. For each pair, report the key indices that the program found, the decryption produced, and whether or not the decryption appears to be meaningful text.

Next, you should analyze your results and try to draw conclusions about the effects of the frequency table and the length of the ciphertext on the effectiveness of the attack.

Based on the insights gained, construct a 40 character “message” that cannot be cracked using any of the furnished frequency tables. (Your message does not have to be real English text, but it must consist of printable ASCII characters including space.)

5 Submission

All work should be submitted as usual via Canvas. The written solutions should be in the form of a PDF file. The code and data files should be put in a .zip or tar.gz compressed archive file and submitted. All files necessary to compile and run your code should be included in the archive, including those that were furnished in the assignment directory and not modified. The idea is that the grader should be able to unpack your archive on the Zoo, type make, and your code should compile and link without errors and produce executable files snakeoil and bruteforce. Please do not include derived .o or executable files. The grader will recompile them from your source files.