CPSC 427a: Object-Oriented Programming

Michael J. Fischer

Lecture 5
September 16, 2010

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IO Demos

Handling data errors and end of file Section 3.7 of the textbook contains a demo program that illustrates how to handle data errors and end of file using C++ I/O. It has three parts that illustrate

See 05-IOdemo.

How to write a test program

The 05-IOdemo was written in C-style using three global functions: use_get(), use_getline(), and use_nums().

I rewrote the demo

Here, each test is encapsulated within its own class.

The only responsibility of main() is to process the command line arguments and initiate the tests.

See 05-IOdemo-new.

Introduction to Classes

(Textbook, Chapter 4)

Classes, visibility, functions, inline We covered much of the material from sections 4.1 and 4.2 in lectures 2 and 3.

The textbook covers it in greater depth, so be sure to also read the book.

Stack example

Section 4.3 presents a non-trivial object-oriented design for a bracket-matching program using a stack.

As with the insertion sort demo, it is written twice, once in C and once in C++.

Both versions have two modules: one for token and one for stack.

Note how struct in the C code becomes class in the C++ version.

Note also how the functions analyze() and mismatch() moved from main.c to a new class Brackets in the C++ version.

Functions and Methods

Call by value

Like C, C++ passes explicit parameters by value.

  void f( int y ) { ... y=4; ... };  
  int x=3;  

Call by pointer

Like C, pointer values (which I call reference values) are the things that can be stored in pointer variables.

Also like C, pointers can be passed as arguments to functions with corresponding pointer parameters.

  void g( int* p ) { ... (*p)=4; ... };  
  int x=3;  

Call by reference

C++ has a new kind of parameter called a reference parameter.

  void g( int& p ) { ... p=4; ... };  
  int x=3;  

I/O uses reference parameters

How should one choose the parameter type?

Parameters are used for two main purposes:

Sending data to a function: call by value For sending data to a function, call by value copies the data whereas call by pointer or reference copies only an address.

If the data object is large, call by value is expensive of both time and space and should be avoided.

If the data object is small (eg., an int or double), call by value is cheaper since it avoids the indirection of a reference.

Call by value protects the caller’s data from being inadvertantly changed.

Sending data to a function: call by reference or pointer

Call by reference or pointer allows the caller’s data to be changed.

Use const to protect the caller’s data from inadvertane change.

Ex: int f( const int& x ) or int g( const int* xp ).

Prefer call by reference to call by pointer for input parameters.

Ex: f( 234 ) works but g( &234 ) does not.

Reason: 234 is not a variable and hence can not be the target of a pointer.

(The reason f( 234 ) does work is a bit subtle and will be explained later.)