CPSC 427a: Object-Oriented Programming

Michael J. Fischer

Lecture 15
October 28, 2010

Virtue Demo

Virtual virtue

class Basic {  
    virtual void print(){cout <<"I am basic.  "; }  
class Virtue : public Basic {  
    virtual void print(){cout <<"I have virtue.  "; }  
class Question : public Virtue {  
    void print(){cout <<"I am questing.  "; }  

Main virtue What does this do?

int main (void) {  
    cout << "Searching for Virtue\n";  
    Basic* array[3];  
    array[0] = new Basic();  
    array[1] = new Virtue();  
    array[2] = new Question();  
   return 0;  

See demo 15a-Virtue!

Linear Data Structure Demo

Using polymorphism Similar data structures:

Both support a common interface:

They differ only in where push() places a new item.

The demo 15b-Virtual (from Chapter 15 of textbook) shows how to exploit this commonality.

Interface file

We define this common interface by the abstract class.

class Container {  
    virtual void     put(Item*)      =0;  
    virtual Item*    pop()           =0;  
    virtual Item*    peek()          =0;  
    virtual ostream& print(ostream&) =0;  

Any class derived from it is required to implement these four functions.

We could derive Stack and Queue directly from Container, but we instead exploit even more commonality between these two classes.

Class Linear

class Linear: public Container {  
  protected:  Cell* head;  
  private:    Cell* here; Cell* prior;  
  protected:  Linear();  
    virtual   ~Linear ();  
              void     reset();  
              bool     end() const;  
              void     operator ++();  
    virtual   void     insert( Cell* cp );  
    virtual   void     focus() = 0;  
              Cell*    remove();  
              void     setPrior(Cell* cp);  
  public:     void     put(Item * ep);  
              Item*    pop();  
              Item*    peek();  
    virtual   ostream& print( ostream& out );  

Example: Stack

class Stack : public Linear {  
    void  insert( Cell* cp ) { reset(); Linear::insert(cp); }  
    void  focus(){ reset(); }  
    ostream& print( ostream& out ){  
        out << "  The stack contains:\n";  
        return Linear::print( out );  

Example: Queue

class Queue : public Linear {  
    Cell*   tail;  
    Queue() { tail = head; }  
    void  insert( Cell* cp ) {  
        setPrior(tail); Linear::insert(cp); tail=cp; }  
    void  focus(){ reset(); }  

Class structure

Class structure.

C++ features

The demo illustrates several C++ features.

  1. [Container] Pure abstract class.
  2. [Cell] Friend functions.
  3. [Cell] Printing a pointer in hex.
  4. [Cell] Operator extension operator Item*().
  5. [Linear] Virtual functions and polymorphism.
  6. [Linear] Scanner pairs (prior, here) for traversing a linked list.
  7. [Linear] Operator extension operator ++()
  8. [Linear, Exam] Use of private, protected, and public in same class.

#include structure

Getting #include’s in the right order.

Problem: Making sure compiler sees symbol definitions before they are used.

Partial solution: Make dependency graph. If not cyclic, each .hpp file includes the .hpp files just above it.



Template overview Templates are instructions for generating code.

Are type-safe replacement for C macros.

Can be applied to functions or classes.

Allow for type variability.


template <class T>

class FlexArray { ... };

Later, can instantiate

class RandString : FlexArray<const char*> { ... };

and use

FlexArray<const char*>::put(store.put(s, len));

Template functions


template <class X> void swapargs(X& a, X& b) {  
  X temp;  
  temp = a;  
  a = b;  
  b = temp;  


  int i,j;  
  double x,y;  
  char a, b;  



template <> void swapargs(int& a, int& b) {  
  // different code  

This overrides the template body for int arguments.

Template classes

Like functions, classes can be made into templates.

   template <class T>

   class FlexArray { ... };

makes FlexArray into a template class.

When instantiated, it can be used just like any other class.

For a flex array of ints, the name is FlexArray<int>.

No implicit instantiation, unlike functions.

Compilation issues

Remote (non-inline) template functions must be compiled and linked for each instantiation.

Two possible solutions:

  1. Put all template function definitions in the .hpp file along with the class definition.
  2. Put template function definitions in a .cpp file as usual but explicitly instantiate.
    E.g., template class FlexArray(int); forces compilation of the int instantiation of FlexArray.

Template parameters

Templates can have multiple parameters.


template<class T, int size> declares a template with two parameters, a type parameter T and an int parameter size.

Template parameters can also have default values.

Used when parameter is omitted.


template<class T=int, int size=100> class A { ... }.

A<double> instantiates A to type A<double, 100>.

A<50> instantiates A to type A<int, 50>.

Using template classes

Demo 15c-Evaluate implements a simple expression evaluator based on a precedence parser.

It derives a template class Stack<T> from the template class FlexArray<T> introduced in 13-Hangman-full.

The precedence parser makes uses of two instantiations of Stack<T>:

  1. Stack<double> Ands;
  2. Stack<Operator> Ators;