/* * hrtime.cpp * * Created on: Oct 4, 2009 * Author: Michael Fischer * For use in Yale course CPSC 427a, Fall 2010 */ #include "tools.hpp" #include "hrtime.hpp" //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read a system clock specified by whichClock. // This should be one of the clocks // described by clock_gettime(2). // Supported values on many linux systems are: // CLOCK_REALTIME System-wide realtime clock. // CLOCK_MONOTONIC Represents monotonic time. // CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID High resolution per-process CPU timer. // CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID Thread-specific CPU-time clock. void HirezTime::readClock(clockid_t whichClock) { int ret = clock_gettime(whichClock, this); if (ret<0) perror("Error reading clock"); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operator extension to add two HirezTime values HirezTime HirezTime::operator+(HirezTime ht2) const { long sum_sec = getSec() + ht2.getSec(); long sum_nsec = getNsec() + ht2.getNsec(); if (sum_nsec >= 1000000000L) { sum_nsec -= 1000000000L; sum_sec++; } return HirezTime(sum_sec, sum_nsec); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Operator extension to subtract two HirezTime values // Assumes first operand >= second, so difference is non-negative. HirezTime HirezTime::operator-(HirezTime ht2) const { long diff_sec = getSec() - ht2.getSec(); long diff_nsec = getNsec() - ht2.getNsec(); if (diff_sec < 0 || (diff_sec == 0 && diff_nsec < 0)) fatal("Can't handle negative time differences"); if (diff_nsec < 0) { diff_nsec += 1000000000L; diff_sec--; } return HirezTime(diff_sec, diff_nsec); } //------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prints HirezTime value in seconds as a decimal fraction. ostream& HirezTime::print(ostream& os) const { char prev = cout.fill('0'); os<< getSec()<< "."<< right<< setw(9)<< getNsec(); cout.fill(prev); return os; }